
What does it mean to have a lot of Saturn in your chart?

What does it mean to have a lot of Saturn in your chart?

Saturn is known to restrict and limit while also creating structure in life. In astrology, Saturn represents a fatherly figure that brings about rules, regulations, structure, obligation, ambition, and some discipline. These rules are meant to help all zodiac signs to understand and learn about the world around us.

Which planet is responsible for twin babies?

3. It is said that if the Ascendant and Moon are located in the equator and are seen by male planets, then a twin child is born. 4. If Mercury, Mars, Guru and Ascendant are strong and situated in the same house, then a twin child is born.

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When was Saturn transit in Libra?

Effects of Saturn transit on Libra Moon Sign from January 23, 2020, till April 2022.

At what degree is Saturn strong?

____Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong.

Which zodiac is most likely to have twins?

Gemini (astrology)

Zodiac symbol Twins
Duration (tropical, western) May 20 – June 21 (2021, UT1)
Constellation Gemini
Zodiac element Air

What does it mean to be born with Saturn in Libra?

If you were born with Saturn in Libra, then you may be refined and intellectual; you may be a natural diplomat and a great sense of tact. You are cooperative rather than competitive and can work well with others.

Which celebrities are born with Saturn in Libra?

According to their birth charts, the following people were born with Saturn in Libra: Beyonce Knowles, Britney Spears, Cristina Aguilera, Kim Kardashian, Justin Timberlake, Leonardo Da Vinci, Alicia Keys, Sting, Liam Neeson, and Pierce Brosnan. If you were born with Saturn in Libra, stability in relationships is serious business.

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When was the last time Saturn was in Libra?

Those born between November 21, 1950 and March 7, 1951; August 14, 1951 and October 22, 1953; September 22, 1980 and November 29, 1982; and May 7, 1983 and August 24, 1983 have Saturn in Libra, and the last Saturn return was October 30, 2009 to April 7, 2010 and July 22, 2010 to October 5, 2012.