
What does Indian edition of a book mean?

What does Indian edition of a book mean?

Interntaional edition is printed in US for use in US. Indian edition is printed in India for use in India.

Why some books are only for Indian subcontinent?

Wiley sells academic books at a cheaper price in subcontinent for countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan. Eg. Pearson releases LPE (low price edition) books. So they don’t want others to redistribute these books to a country where the MRP is higher.

Why are Indian edition books cheaper?

Using tax breaks and cheap labor, Indian companies publish the books in black-and-white, low-quality paperback editions, and sell them for as little as 10 percent of the cost of the same book in the United States.

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Why are there so many editions of books?

9 Answers. Publishers want new editions so that they can make money selling copies of the new edition and reduce the market for used copies. The new edition might be significantly updated, but in many cases the updates are small.

What is the difference between editions in books?

If it’s an “edition,” it generally means there are some actual content differences between this and the previous editions. If it’s just the cover picture that’s different (but not the contents), then it’s an “imprint” (less usually) or “printing” (more usually).

Do English books sell in India?

India has the unique distinction of being one of the largest markets for books in the English language while being a country where publishing of books is officially supported in 23 other languages.

What is the difference between international edition textbooks and regular ones?

An international edition is a textbook that have been published outside the US. These books are usually significantly cheaper than textbooks published in the US. The content may be the same as the U.S. version, or may have differences such as the book cover, ISBN, pagination, or region code.

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Why are used hardcover books cheaper than paperback?

If publishers print more copies of hardcover books than turned out to sell at the original price, then the unsold copies will either get destroyed or reduced in price until the the publisher can get their warehouse space back. So you end up with “much cheaper than they used to be but still brand new” hardbacks.

Why are hardcover books more expensive than paperback?

Like cinema tickets, hardcover books generate more profit per unit than paperbacks. Once hardback sales have slowed, a paperback edition is released. Printed at a higher volume than the hardback, it usually sells in greater numbers, but at lower margins.