
What does dominant auxiliary tertiary and inferior mean?

What does dominant auxiliary tertiary and inferior mean?

Dominant: Introverted Thinking (Ti) Auxiliary: Extraverted Intuition (Ne) Tertiary: Introverted Sensing (Si) Inferior: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

What is dominant and auxiliary functions?

The auxiliary can be thought of as the first mate on the ship where the captain is the dominant function. The auxiliary function tends to develop after the dominant function. During adolescence and early adulthood, individuals come to develop skills in and rely on their dominant and auxiliary functions.

What is a dominant cognitive function?

The Perceiving Functions Extraverted Sensing (Se) Introverted Sensing (Si) Extraverted Intuiting (Ne) Introverted Intuiting (Ni)

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What does the dominant function do MBTI?

Your dominant function is focused on assessing the world based on what you feel is authentic and right for individuals. You focus on issues of identity, beliefs, conscience, and values. You believe in staying true to who you really are, and not bending for outside influences.

How do I increase my dominant NI?

As far as I can tell, one way to strengthen Ni is through self observation. Go out and observe an object/situation and then step back and watch Ni at work; watch how it winds its way from idea to idea, and then you can become more conscious of how ideas are linked together.

What is the inferior function?

Because the inferior function—sometimes called the lost, missing, or repressed function—is the most unconscious of a type’s four functions, it is the most difficult to access and integrate. This is why it is commonly symbolized in dreams as being buried deep underground, undersea, or in a dark forest.

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What is tertiary function?

The third-preferred, or tertiary, function tends to be less interesting to individuals, and they tend to have fewer skills associated with it. The tertiary function can guide you toward areas of your life you have avoided, areas that require skills you do not feel comfortable using.

How do you develop an inferior function?

Keys to Integrating the Inferior Function

  1. Enhancing Conscious Awareness & Conscious Decision-Making.
  2. Optimizing Circumstances: Work, Relationships & Lifestyle.
  3. Relinquishing Control.
  4. Finding Courage.
  5. Final Thoughts.

What is my inferior function?

What is the difference between the third-preferred function and auxiliary function?

The third-preferred, or tertiary, function tends to be less interesting to individuals, and they tend to have fewer skills associated with it. The letter of this function does not appear in your type. It is the opposite function from the auxiliary function. If, for example, your auxiliary function is Thinking, then your tertiary will be Feeling.

Why is there so much disagreement about the tertiary function?

There are many theories for this; one being that there was a lot of disagreement over the direction of the tertiary function. Many typologists used to argue that the tertiary had the same attitude as the auxiliary function (extraverted if you’re an introvert and introverted if you’re an extrovert).

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What is the tertiary function in psychology?

The Tertiary Function. The third-preferred, or tertiary, function tends to be less interesting to individuals, and they tend to have fewer skills associated with it. The letter of this function does not appear in your type. It is the opposite function from the auxiliary function.

What is the tertiary function of Ti?

The tertiary function is often one that we enjoy being comforted with. During times of stress IFJs might employ Ti to “get away” from their stressors and find balance. They can also be drawn to people that have Ti in a dominant or auxiliary position (like TP types).