
What does cure mean in medicine?

What does cure mean in medicine?

The term “cure” means that, after medical treatment, the patient no longer has that particular condition anymore. Some diseases can be cured. Others, like hepatitis B, have no cure. The person will always have the condition, but medical treatments can help to manage the disease.

Can I use the word cure?

Though use of the term cure has been actively discouraged except in limited types of cases, perhaps true health care reform needs to reclaim this term and concept.

What is the difference between a cure and a treatment?

Cure usually refers to a complete restoration of health, while treatment refers to a process that leads to an improvement in health, but may not include the complete elimination of disease.

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What is the origin of the word cure?

The word cure comes from the Latin cura meaning care, concern or attention.

Does treatable mean curable?

“[‘Treatable’] can mean simply we have some kind of treatment that might have some kind of effect on you, but does not necessarily mean a cure. It does not necessarily mean the treatment will be effective.”

What is the difference between recovery and cure?

Recovery is not the same as a cure. Recovery means being able to create and live a meaningful life and contribute to your community, with or without mental health issues. Recovery is about all of your life, not just your symptoms.

Which disease does not have cure?

cancer. dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. advanced lung, heart, kidney and liver disease. stroke and other neurological diseases, including motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis.

What does “cure” mean?

When you have cancer, or care about someone who does, “cure” may be the word you want to hear more than any other. It’s also a word most doctors won’t say. Unlike other diseases, cancer has its own language: There’s no cure for it, but there are treatments that may be able to cure some people of some cancers.

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Do cures exist?

Cures cannot be counted, because there are no tests for cured, because cured is not defined. Therefore: cures do not exist. There are remissions, and spontaneous remissions, but there are few cures. One problem presented by modern medicine is this: cure is generally defined as a substance that cures.

Are there any illnesses that cannot be cured by medicine?

There are many illnesses that can be cured, but not by medicines . Any illness caused by a lack of healthiness – from arthritis, to depression, to heart disease and hypertension, and even obesity – cannot be cured by medicines. They are not caused by a parasite that can be killed. They can only be cured with health.

Can you be cured of cancer?

Because every kind of cancer is different, there’s no one-size-fits-all cure. But sometimes, people may say they are cured if their cancer seems to go away with treatment. But it’s not quite that simple. For centuries, doctors have used the word “cure” to describe a medical condition that’s completely gone and will never come back.