
What does a day in the life of a PhD student look like?

What does a day in the life of a PhD student look like?

There is no set daily routine for most PhD students and their days often vary, but their days usually focus around the same set of activities. Much of the daily work and expectations of a PhD student is similar to those of a professor, but often on a smaller scale.

Is PhD CS worth it?

Yes, a PhD in computer science is worth it for many students. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is projecting 5\% job growth in computer and information technology occupations over the next 10 years.

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How long does CS PhD take?

A doctorate in computer science builds on prior knowledge, education, and experience in the field. The degree typically takes 4-5 years to complete, and involves independent study and research in a focused area of interest.

Do PhD students work in the summer?

A lot of PhD students take summer internships in industry, at least for some of the summers they spend in the program. These may or may not be a relaxing break from research/thesis work, but at least it’s a change of scene, some new people, maybe a new city to explore, and often a source of new research ideas.

What is a typical day like for a PhD student?

In many ways, there isn’t a typical PhD student day, since it depends heavily on the field you are in and your responsibilities. Early on in a PhD (1-2 years for sciences, 2-4 math) your time is spent mostly taking class work. This is not different than undergraduate – you are given assignments and complete them.

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What is the life of a graduate student like?

The life of a graduate student is much less structured than that of an undergraduate. Hours in the classroom are fewer, although hours of course-related work are greatly increased.

How will my social life be during my PhD studies?

Your social life — or lack there of — for the entire duration of the PhD, will probably be determined during the first year of your studies (maybe even the first week). The last time I felt this way was back in high school.

Why is it so hard to make friends as a PhD student?

The thing is that no one outside of your PhD program will truly understand what your life is like, and that’s a large reason why it will be hard to be socially active with normal people. They won’t understand when a deadline comes upon you, and that causes you to flake on a social commitment, or worse yet stop responding to calls and text messages.