What do you think will happen to satellite if the earths gravitational pull is suddenly reduced to zero?

What do you think will happen to satellite if the earths gravitational pull is suddenly reduced to zero?

The satellite will move tangentially and escape away from its orbit.

How do satellites affect the Earth?

Satellites are also key to understanding global and local precipitation and flooding patterns, how wildfires start and spread, the distribution of wildlife populations, and other indicators of environmental health. Satellites are also useful as early warning systems for natural disasters and extreme weather events.

What would happen to the satellites of Earth if the Earth’s gravitational pull increased?

The increased mass means satellites in orbit will come crashing down. New launches will be harder, they have to with an escape velocity 1.4 times higher (escape velocity increases with the square root of gravity). But space will be closer!

What would happen to a satellite of Earth’s gravity disappeared?

Without gravity, humans and other objects would become weightless. That’s because the planet would continue spinning, without exerting gravity to keep objects tied to it [source: Domanico]. A loss of gravity would also mean that the planet would stop pulling down air, water and Earth’s atmosphere.

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Will the satellite fall back to Earth or will it remain in the orbit if not why?

Satellites don’t fall from the sky because they are orbiting Earth. Even when satellites are thousands of miles away, Earth’s gravity still tugs on them. Gravity–combined with the satellite’s momentum from its launch into space–cause the satellite go into orbit above Earth, instead of falling back down to the ground.

Why don’t satellites just fall back to Earth?

The second choice is to send the satellite even farther away from Earth. It can take a lot of fuel for a satellite to slow down enough to fall back into the atmosphere. That is especially true if a satellite is in a very high orbit. For many of these high satellites, it takes less fuel to blast it farther into space than to send it back to Earth.

Why is the work done by gravity on a satellite zero?

So when a satellite moves around the earth the centripetal force acts towards the centre of the earth while the direction of the satellite makes an angle perpendicular to the force.Tht s why work done by it is 0. Pratically zero.Gravity acts towards the center of theearth.

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What would happen if you dropped a satellite at 100 km altitude?

At an altitude of 100 km, you would be so high that you would see black sky and stars if you looked upwards. If you took a satellite to this height and released it, it would still fall towards the Earth because the force of gravity is nearly the same as it is at the Earth’s surface.

What is the mass of a satellite with a weight of 1000?

A satellite with a mass of 1000 kg has a weight force of 9800 N at the Earth’s surface. The radius of the Earth is about 6366 km, so at 6366 km above the Earth’s surface, the distance from the centre of the Earth will have doubled.