What do you think about butter BTS Quora?

What do you think about butter BTS Quora?

Butter was amazing! I knew it would be a hit. One reason I like the song, is because of it’s really catchy, just like Dynamite. And, it’s also in English, which is a good thing for international fans!

What BTS butter sounds like?

And today, somebody somewhere somehow realized that the BTS song “Butter” sounds a lot like a song from the 1992 NES Konami game, Monster in My Pocket. (Thanks, AllKPop.)

Which country has most BTS butter song?

South Korea
South Korea: Ever since the release of BTS Butter, the K-pop group is breaking all records around the world. The song has become everyone’s favourite around the world. BTS latest track Butter has once again become the week’s most viewed k-pop song.

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Why is BTS making English songs?

In an interview with USA Today, the group said the decision to perform an English song was related to the COVID-19 pandemic. “This is a situation that everybody else around the world is facing, so we just started to explore what can we do right now, what can we really good?” said Suga.

What is the meaning behind BTS butter song?

BTS’s “Butter” Lyrics Are Literally About the Boys Being So Charming, They Make People Fall in Love With Them Okay but where is the lie tho.

Who shot BTS’s ‘butter’ video?

From left: Jin, Jimin, RM, Suga, V, Jungkook, and J-Hope shoot the “Butter” music video. On April 26, a corner of the internet exploded. A countdown had appeared on BTS’s YouTube channel, and the group’s fans — ARMY — immediately entered panic mode.

Who does BTS’ ‘smooth like butter’ allude to?

The song starts off strong with an allusion to the king of pop, Michael Jackson. In 1987, he dropped his smash single ” Smooth Criminal ,” which BTS nods to when they say they’re “smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover.”

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What does BTs’s new music video look like?

The music video is sprinkled with subtle shoutouts to the group’s fans: There’s the BTS and ARMY logos side by side on elevator buttons and the date of BTS’s first concert hidden in Jimin’s made-up mugshot.