
What do you do if you get bad marks?

What do you do if you get bad marks?

How to Handle the Disappointment After Getting Low Marks in Exams?

  1. Comparisons. It’s really funny how comparisons are drawn.
  2. Sinking Confidence. If you couldn’t do well even after strenuous preparations, it is obvious that you’d feel down.
  3. Take Selective Feedback.
  4. Think About Loved Ones.
  5. Re-Evaluation.

What to do when you get low marks or fail an exam?

When you get low marks or fail in an exam, a lot of people will come running to you with advice. But you are not supposed to listen to all of them. Be careful who you take advice from. No matter how bad your results are, you should always take feedback from your teachers or guides. They’ll help you understand your problem and find a solution.

How do I deal with my parents when I get bad grades?

Your parents may be angry or frustrated with a bad grade. If they get angry or upset, try to remain calm on your end. Arguing back or doing things like crying and yelling will only escalate the situation. Take a deep breath and try to respond calmly to any anger you receive. It can help to pause and take deep breaths during the conversation.

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Why are my parents always scolding me for getting bad results?

From asking the reasons for the results to scoldings. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGG!! See its obvious that you have screwed up somewhere or the other and hence the results are bad. Parents DO NOT expect alot, just some hardwork, and dedication towards our goals,objectives or studies for a matter of fact.

How can I deal with my parents’ lectures about my grades?

Your parents will only get angrier if you interrupt them while they talk. No one likes being lectured, but it’s important to let your parents’ get their word in. As they talk, try to sincerely consider their perspective. You parents want you to do well, and it’s understandable poor grades may upset them.