
What do you call someone who is willing to do whatever it takes?

What do you call someone who is willing to do whatever it takes?

agreeable, amenable, compliant, consenting, content, desirous, disposed, eager, enthusiastic, favourable, game (informal) happy, inclined, in favour, in the mood, nothing loath, pleased, prepared, ready, so-minded.

What does it mean when you would do anything for someone?

I’d do anything for you. It means someone is willing to go to any lengths to make you happy. If you hear it, it means you’re very special to the person who says it, for whatever reason: family connection, you’re a great friend, you did them a favor, whatever.

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What do you call a person who lets people use them?

An exploiter is a user, someone who takes advantage of other people or things for their own gain. Being an exploiter is selfish and unethical. To exploit someone is to use them in a way that’s wrong, like an employer who pays low wages but demands long hours.

What is the synonym of veritable?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for veritable. authentic, classic, genuine, real.

What is the word for being taken advantage of?

Compare Synonyms. abused. oppressed. overburdened.

What is a stronger word for helping?

1 encourage, befriend; support, second, uphold, back, abet. 3 further, promote, foster. 6 ameliorate. 7 alleviate, cure, heal.

What is veritable cornucopia?

“A veritable cornucopia of food” is a lot of food of different varieties. If someone calls you “a veritable force of nature,” they don’t mean that you are actually a hurricane; they just mean that you have the unstoppable quality of a big old storm.

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What is the synonym of frivolous?

giddy, silly, foolish, facetious, zany, light-hearted, merry, superficial, shallow, lacking seriousness, non-serious, light-minded, whimsical, skittish, flighty, irresponsible, thoughtless, lacking in sense, feather-brained, empty-headed, pea-brained, birdbrained, vacuous, vapid.

What do you call a person who has been duped?

gudgeon. (Slang) One who is easily duped.

What do you call a person who uses other people?

A word which springs to mind for me, due to my locale, is a skag – also someone who uses another person. Opportunist/parasite/freeloader. Interestingly (some might say), skag also means Heroin. A skag (or skaghead) is a user (of Heroin), but the word spills over to refer to a person who takes advantages of others heedlessly.

What is it called when someone puts others before their own?

In a general sense you could use the word , where one predominantly puts the interest and wellbeing of others before their own. Synonyms for this term are, for example: generous. noble. self-effacing. selfless. altruistic.

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What do you call a person who does whatever they please?

People who do whatever they please can be called ” solipsists ” (those who believe “that the self is the only existent thing”) or ” sociopaths ” (“a mentally ill or unstable individual; especially : one having an antisocial personality”). The nicest words for such people are “inconsiderate” and “egocentric”.

What is another word for someone who always helps others?

Common nouns for such a person: yes-man, bootlicker, brown-noser, toady, lickspittle, flatterer, flunky, lackey, spaniel, doormat, stooge, cringer, suck, suck-up Selfless or altruistic (showinga wishto helpor bring advantages to others, even if it results in disadvantage for yourself).