
What do you call a single stalk of asparagus?

What do you call a single stalk of asparagus?

Asparagus is a Latin word which derives from the Greek word asparagos, which referred to all tender stalks or stems. ‘ In Latin, the plural of Asparagus is asparagi. However, don’t go thinking you’ll sound more intelligent if you refer to a serving of asparagus spears as asparagi. This is incorrect English!

How do you buy fresh asparagus?

How to Choose Fresh Asparagus

  1. Texture: Look for asparagus stalks that are firm to the touch, able to stand up straight, and with a smooth texture.
  2. Color: Asparagus should be should be rich in green color, softly fading to white at the bottom of the stalk.

Can you eat the whole asparagus spear?

You can eat the whole spear except for the woody stem towards the bottom. Hold the asparagus spear on each end firmly. Gently bend the asparagus so that it bows out away from you.

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What is an asparagus spear?

plural noun. the succulent young shoots of Asparagus officinalis, which may be cooked and eaten.

How many Spears is a bunch of asparagus?

When buying a bunch of asparagus its weight can vary from ¾ to 2+ pounds depending on the size of the spears. One pound of fresh asparagus equals 30 to 40 small, 20 to 30 standard or 12 to 18 large untrimmed spears.

When should I buy asparagus?

Asparagus is available year-round, but spring is the best season for this nutritious vegetable. Crops are harvested from late February to June, with April being the prime month and high season for asparagus. By the end of May, asparagus is at the end of its season in most locations.

What’s the difference between asparagus spears and tips?

While the ends of the asparagus are being boiled, the tips are actually being steamed. The end result should be bright green, crisp yet tender spears. Boil for up to 5 minutes, depending on thickness of the spears.

What is the proper etiquette for eating asparagus?

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(Asparagus is traditionally a finger food, and the English and many other nationalities still see it as such.) Think twice, however, about using your fingers for unsauced, firm spears if your fellow diners use a knife and fork or if you’re a guest at a formal meal. When in doubt, use utensils.

Whats the difference between asparagus tips and spears?

The tip of the asparagus is not a set of flower buds; consequently the thin little triangular leaves of asparagus are not bracts, but rather “scale leaves” that protect developing branch buds. The tip of a growing asparagus spear is the part of the stem that will become branchy (if it is not harvested).

Is there arsenic in asparagus?

Important asparagus culture info — A unique concern with asparagus is that it accumulates the heavy metal arsenic. Just enough arsenic is good for the heart, but too much is dangerous.

How many asparagus in a bunch?

Some stores put more asparagus in a bunch than do other stores. The bunch seems to generally consist of a handful of asparagus, and the number of asparagus in a bunch will vary by the thickness of the asparagus. I don’t think I have ever seen asparagus sold “per bunch;” Asparagus are sold by weight, AFAIK.

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What should I look for when buying asparagus?

Try to buy asparagus from a vendor that keeps the bundles standing upright in water so they can absorb moisture up to the top. Look for firm stalks with smooth skin. The tips should be tight buds tinged the color of lavender flowers. Avoid asparagus that has dry, woody or cracked bottoms, which are inedibly tough.

How do you store asparagus after it’s been cooked?

Avoid asparagus that has dry, woody or cracked bottoms, which are inedibly tough. Asparagus tastes best when cooked the day you buy it. If that’s not in the cards, store them as you would store cut flowers: Trim the bottoms and stand the spears up in a glass or jar with about an inch of water.

What is the best way to store spear tips?

If that’s not in the cards, store them as you would store cut flowers: Trim the bottoms and stand the spears up in a glass or jar with about an inch of water. Cover with a plastic bag then refrigerate them for up to 4 days.