
What do CS students need?

What do CS students need?

Here’s a list of the best gear for Computer Science students.

  • A Laptop. If you’re majoring in Computer Science, you absolutely need a laptop.
  • Amazon Student Prime.
  • Blue Light Blocking Glasses.
  • A Treehouse Subscription.
  • A Calculator.
  • The New Hacker’s Dictionary (Book)
  • Clean Code (Book)
  • The Pragmatic Programmer (Book)

What can computer science student do?

Mobile application designer or developer. Research and development (R&D) scientist. Computer scientist or computer science researcher. Artificial intelligence and machine learning engineer.

What are the essential tools for computer science students?

To that end, here is a reference list of 50 essential tools (software and resources) for computer science students. We’ve left out the typical Web browsers, email clients, most IM/ chat clients, search engines, video sharing sites, etc., and given a sample of tool categories that have numerous options.

What are the top 7 essential laptop accessories for college students?

Top 7 Essential Laptop Accessories for College Students. 1 1. Laptop Screen Privacy Filter. If you want to keep your work away from prying eyes, the best investment would be on a screen privacy filter. These 2 2. External Hard Drive. 3 3. Wireless Portable Printer. 4 4. Laptop Locks and Security Cables. 5 5. Keyboard Cover.

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Why do computer science students need a large toolbox?

Computer science students need to acquire skills in multiple areas — arguably more so than many other study disciplines. So not surprisingly, they need a large toolbox, for any of several activities encountered in the typical college program.

How to become a confident computer science student?

More than software, logic building skill is more essential to becomes a confident computer science student. You may get someone quite easily to tell about the software but who will help in logic building skills. So aim logic building skills more accurately and you can start practice now.