
What did Wally see in the Speed Force?

What did Wally see in the Speed Force?

Wally even saw his kids and their kids running together at some point in the future. More importantly, however, Wally tells Barry that he saw Nora West-Allen in the Speed Force, too. That should have been impossible, since Barry and Iris’ daughter vanished from existence in the Season 5 finale.

What is Savitar to Wally?

Savitar explains Flashpoint gave him the idea to turn Wally into Kid Flash to make him fast enough to replace him. Wally, trying to be heroic, mistakenly throws the remaining piece of the stone into the speed force and unwittingly gives Savitar everything he needs.

How did Savitar give Wally his powers?

Labs crew seem to have forgotten that Wally didn’t receive his connection to the Speed Force naturally. He got his speed after being encased in one of Savitar and Alchemy’s weird cocoons, a method that the villains have used to grant powers to other people based on their counterparts from the Flashpoint timeline.

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Why did savitar suit turn red?

The suit was made so that he wouldn’t get hurt while he was running. He ran so fast, that the speed of him running actually hurt himself without the suit.

Does Savitar appear to Wally in the Speed Force?

Although Albert is eventually cured, severing Savitar from his proxy and thus his influence on Earth, Savitar starts appearing to Wally through the connection between the two. Furthermore, Barry and his team manage to contact Savitar in the Speed Force using Julian as a medium.

How did Wally West become connected to Savitar?

One of the recipients is Wally West who, by taking Savitar’s gift, creates a special connection to Savitar. Although Albert is eventually cured, severing Savitar from his proxy and thus his influence on Earth, Savitar starts appearing to Wally through the connection between the two.

Is Savitar the future Barry Allen?

Fans of The Flash are still reeling from the reveal that Savitar was the future Barry Allen, but thankfully, the next episode lays out in, perfect detail, exactly how Barry becomes the villain.

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Why did Savitar come back to the Flash?

Savitar returns to Central City in 2016 to take revenge on Barry and the entire Team Flash, whom he holds responsible for his banishment. Savitar also intends to stop Barry before he can imprison him in the future, while also recreating the circumstances that led to his creation.