
What did Gollum do after Bilbo took the Ring?

What did Gollum do after Bilbo took the Ring?

What happened to Gollum after Bilbo left? Gollum was miserable after he lost ‘his precious’, as he called his ring, and furious with Bilbo for “stealing” it. Eventually he left his cave to look for it, searching everywhere for “Mr. Bilbo Baggins”, but never found him.

How did Gollum survive?

Sam faced Gollum on his own, letting Frodo continue up the mountain to finish their mission. Like Bilbo and Frodo before him, Sam spared Gollum’s life, turned his back on the creature, and followed Frodo. Moments later, Frodo stood on the edge of the Crack of Doom, but claimed the Ring for himself and put it on.

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Why did Gollum live after losing the Ring?

So, we know that Gollum died, but he did not die of old age – he was consumed by the flames of Mount Doom. This is why Gollum didn’t die, despite being more than 500 years old and this is why Bilbo did not die – they did not age rapidly, they just started ageing normally while the effects of the Ring still lingered on.

How many years did Bilbo have the ring?

60 years

Order Name of Holder Duration
3rd Déagol A few minutes
4th Gollum (Sméagol) 478 years
5th Bilbo Baggins 60 years
6th Frodo Baggins About 17 years, 6 months

Did Gollum ever wear the ring?

Ever? Yes absolutely. It’s explicitly stated in “The Shadow of the Past”, when Gandalf recalls what he learned from interrogating Gollum: “But Sméagol returned alone; and he found that none of his family could see him, when he was wearing the ring.”

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Why did Gollum give up the ring?

The Ring was heavy with Sauron’s malice: It abandoned Isildur as much out of spite as in order to get away from him. The Ring abandoned Gollum because he was no longer any use to It: he had shrunk down into a wiry little creature lurking in the shadows, and he was never ever going to take It outside the tunnels again.

Did the ring continue to influence Bilbo and Gollum?

As long as the ring existed Gollum was a slave to it so yes the ring continued to exert its influence over him, Bilbo on the other hand was very much a Hobbit whos life had been drawn out long by the ring but without it age caught up with him. It was very apt that Gollum died with the ring as he probably wouldn’t have survived its destruction.

How long did Gollum live (and why)?

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Gollum had his life largely extended because he possessed the One Ring. He appeared to be an old, deformed, and twisted creature. According to this list, he had the Ring for 478 years.

Can Bilbo still live after he loses the ring?

Yes, the Ring continued to extend Bilbo and Gollum’s lives after they stopped bearing it up until the destruction of the Ring. it might take a long while for the influence to wear off. he might live on for years, quite happily: just stop as he was when he parted with it.

Why did Gollum have to die with the ring?

It was very apt that Gollum died with the ring as he probably wouldn’t have survived its destruction. The reason Gollum continued to live despite the Ring being absent from his possession for so many years was because after nearly 500 years of having it, the One Ring had transformed him entirely into something else.