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What did God tell us about animals?

What did God tell us about animals?

In Genesis 9:3-4 God tells us that a person cannot cut off the limb of a living animal. In Exodus, the Ten Commandments reminds us that we are supposed to treat animals with respect and care, particularly those who work our lands.

Why did Noah take animals on the ark?

To preserve the animals and his family through the flood. Jehovah God had given Noah the job of building the Ark with instructions to gather up 2 each of the unclean animals and 7 each of the clean animals so they would eventually repopulate the earth. Noah let animals in the ark because it was about to rain!

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What does God say about hurting animals?

Dr. Billy Graham has noted, “The Bible teaches that we are not to abuse or punish animals in a cruel way. God has created them, and while mankind is given dominion over the animals, we are not to treat them cruelly.”

How many animals did Noah put on the ark?

That brings our count up to a grand total of 3,858,920 animals aboard the ark—two of each species, except birds which number fourteen each.

Did God send animals Noah?

God did not want animals to disappear from the earth, so He told Noah to take one male and one female of each land animal onto the ark. It would be a big job to gather all the different kinds of animals in the world, but Noah did not have to go out after them; God brought the animals to him – God provided.

How did Noah know which animals were clean and unclean?

We are not told how Noah knew which animals were clean and unclean, but he obviously knew the difference. Sacrifices to God were made before the Mosaic Law (Genesis 4:4), which means God had somehow communicated to man what animals were suitable for sacrifice (and, later, for eating).

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What does the Bible say about the animals on Noah’s Ark?

Noah was also to take “every sort of food” for his family and the animals. That’s all the Bible says about the animals on the ark. No part of the Noah story invites as much criticism or speculation as the animals.

How many species of insects could have survived on Noah’s Ark?

Many of the one million species of insects could probably survive without being on the ark. While God told Noah to take two of every kind of animal into the ark, He clarified his instructions so that the animals should be two of every unclean animal and “seven of each kind of clean animal” and “seven of each kind of the birds of the heavens.”

What did Noah feed the animals in the Garden of Eden?

But it offers no details about what that food should be. The most general answer is Noah fed the animals plants—hay, grains, leaves. More animals are herbivores (plant eaters) and omnivores (eating both meat and plants) than are true carnivores (meat only eaters).