
What country is similar to India?

What country is similar to India?

Pakistan is also similar to India, despite the fact that the countries are on unfriendly terms with each other. Pakistan’s official languages English and Urdu (a dialect of Hindi using the Arabic writing system) are similar to India. However, it has a majority Muslim population. Its climate is also significantly drier.

Why did Europeans feel superior to other races in Europe?

Eventually those who were better equipped, stronger, more resourceful took what they needed or wanted from others. Because they were dominant, it was logical to feel superior. Europeans were a dominent people and they were explorers, builders, seeking power, control, wealth and to learn.

What do Americans and Europeans have in common?

Americans and Europeans share many things: a commitment to fundamental democratic principles, a strategic alliance that has shaped the world order for more than half a century, and despite serious economic challenges in recent years, some of the highest living standards in the world. Still, there are notable differences across the Atlantic.

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Is there more tolerance in the United States than in Europe?

3 There is greater tolerance in the U.S. than in Europe for offensive speech. A solid majority (77\%) of Americans believe citizens should be allowed to make statements that are offensive to people’s religious beliefs, a significantly higher share of the public than in any of the European Union nations included in our 2015 survey.

What role did race play in the European age of civilization?

Unquestionably, race was a major factor in the European “civilizing” missions of the time period mentioned. Europeans had for centuries considered themselves superior to other peoples because they were Caucasian, an idea that was embraced in the concept of Social Darwinism, that the Caucasian race was naturally superior to another: