
What Colour comes to mind?

What Colour comes to mind?

Blue is the colour of the mind and is essentially soothing; it affects us mentally, rather than the physical reaction we have to red. Strong blues will stimulate clear thought and lighter, soft blues will calm the mind and aid concentration.

What do you think of when you hear purple?

Purple makes you feel creative. Purple is associated with mystery, creativity, royalty and wealth. Lighter shades of purple are often used to soothe or calm a viewer, hence why it is used in beauty products.

What mood is green?

GREEN SHADES: With typical green, the mood is ideal, calm and peaceful. Dark emerald green can indicate feelings of awareness and involvement.

What does the color yellow do to your brain?

Yellow is said to promote happiness more than any of the other major colors. Believed to have an influence on the left side of the human brain, yellow helps foster strong analytical thinking. The positive qualities of yellow can also lead to abrasion when it is used too dramatically.

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What is the best colour for your personality?

Blue: People are more likely to tell you that blue is their favourite colour than any other shade. That makes it a safe choice. Seeing blue also brings thoughts of trustworthiness to mind; always a good thing.” A character who lives in a colourful home is very different to one who lives in a monochromatic home.

What are some words that describe the color deep?

deep – dark and strong. delicate – pleasant and not too strong. discoloured – changed in colour and no longer looks new, clean, or healthy. dusty – used for describing a colour that is not bright because it has some grey in it. electric – bright, metallic.

How do colours affect the way we think?

Colours also affect consumers. According to Sally Augustin in an article in Psychology Today, research has shown the “powers” of particular colours. She writes about five colours: “Green: Seeing the colour green has been linked to more creative thinking—so greens are good options for home offices, art studios, etc.

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What colors have blue or green in them?

Colours with blue or green in them are called cool colours warm – warm colours have red, orange, or yellow in them. alabaster – very white and smooth. amber – between brown and yellow in colour. amethyst – light purple. avocado – with a pale green colour. azure – bright blue.