
What can you do if someone runs over your cat?

What can you do if someone runs over your cat?


  1. If the cat is alive call the Police, advise drivers to try to find the owner of the pet and let them know what’s happened.
  2. The vet can check for a microchip and find the owner that way.
  3. If you’re unable to go to the 24 hour emergency vet you could try asking a friend to help or contacting the RSPCA.

Is it illegal to run over a cat 2020?

Currently there is no law that requires you to stop after hitting a cat on the road. The road traffic act 1988 states that legally, you must report hitting the following animals to the police. Legally you have to report a dog if you hit it. Unfortunately though, cats don’t have to be reported.

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Can a cat survive being run over?

Cars are large, powerful machines and some of the injuries sustained are just too great and sadly many cats do not survive a collision. On the other hand, some cats seem to be incredibly lucky and escape unscathed. Even if your cat looks okay, it is still important to get your cat checked out by a vet.

How do you get over hitting animals?

Follow these steps if your car hits animal.

  1. Pull Over When It’s Safe. Hitting a large animal, like a deer or elk, could easily total your vehicle.
  2. Contact the Police.
  3. Inspect Your Vehicle for Damage.
  4. Take Photos of the Accident.
  5. Avoid Approaching the Animal.
  6. Contact Your Insurance Company.

Is it illegal to run over a cat and not stop?

As horrific as the idea is of hitting someone’s pet whether it be a cat, dog or rabbit. You are not required legally to stop at the scene if you hit a cat… but if you do, and it has a chance of survival, the best thing you can do is: Move the animal to safety (if it can be moved) and ideally take it to the nearest vet.

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Can you charge someone for running over your cat?

When Injury to a Pet Is a Crime Under state animal cruelty laws, anyone who injures or kills a pet unnecessarily, intentionally, or maliciously may face criminal charges.

Who to call when a cat gets run over?

Call your local animal control agency. The animal control agency can best determine how to help a cat hit by a car. If you can’t contact them (for instance, if you’ve encountered the injured cat outside of normal business hours), call the police. Explain the situation to the police calmly and clearly.