Tips and tricks

What can go wrong after sinus surgery?

What can go wrong after sinus surgery?

If you require septoplasty, there are additional risks associated with this procedure. The primary risks are bleeding or infection in the area of the septum; numbness of the front teeth; the development of a hole through the septum (septal perforation); brain fluid leak; or recurrence of septal deviation.

What should you not do before sinus surgery?

Do not take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Aleve) for at least five days prior to sinus surgery. These drugs will also increase bleeding, although the effects on the blood are shorter. Do not smoke for at least three weeks prior to surgery.

How long should I take off work after sinus surgery?

This is normal and most patients plan on taking at least 1 week off of work to recover. Every patient is different and some return to work sooner. Nasal congestion and discharge: You will have nasal congestion and discharge for the first few weeks after surgery.

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Is sinus surgery done under general anesthesia?

Sinus surgery is performed with general anesthesia so you will be asleep during your procedure. After surgery you will spend a few hours in a recovery room to allow you to wake up. Most patients feel good enough to go home a few hours after their surgery.

How much bleeding is normal after sinus surgery?

Some bleeding is normal for 2 to 3 days after your operation. If you think you are bleeding a lot, be sure to call your doctor. Don’t blow your nose for at least a week after surgery. Don’t do any heavy lifting, straining, or strenuous exercise.

Will I get black eyes after sinus surgery?

Recovery. After sinus surgery, it is normal to experience pain (usually a headache or a slight burning sensation in the mid-face region), nosebleeds, and bad breath for the first 24 to 72 hours. Less commonly, you may develop a black eye or have temporary numbness or tingling in the face or gums.

How many Post op visits after sinus surgery?

You will usually be scheduled for post-operative office visits for nasal endoscopy with debridement. The initial visit usually occurs within the first week of your surgery, and the second visit within the following one to two weeks.

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How should I sleep after sinus surgery?

Raise your head with three or four pillows. This can reduce swelling. Try to sleep on your back during the month after surgery. You can also sleep in a reclining chair.

Do they pack your nose after sinus surgery?

Sinus surgery is one that can be done under general or local anesthesia, and usually patients are fine to go home the same day. “In most cases, [nasal] packing is not needed, or absorbable packing can be used so you do not need to come back for packing removal after surgery.

Do you get black eyes after sinus surgery?

How long does a sinus operation take?

The operation usually takes between one and two hours. The operation is performed through your nose and does not result in any facial scars or change to the outside shape of your nose. Your surgeon will use a small tube with a special lens called an endoscope to examine your each of your nasal passages.

When Should bleeding stop after sinus surgery?

What happens after a sinus surgery?

Tipping your head back and breathing gently through the nose should help reduce the bleeding. Nasal sprays can also help. If the bleeding keeps up for several days or doesn’t respond to nasal sprays, it’s a good idea to call your surgeon’s office for advice. You might also feel worn out and tired after a sinus surgery. That’s to be expected.

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Is there a risk of bleeding after sinus surgery?

Although the risk of bleeding appears to be reduced with this type of sinus surgery, on occasion significant bleeding may require termination of the procedure and the placement of nasal packing. Bleeding following surgery could require placement of nasal packing and hospital admission. A blood transfusion is very rarely necessary.

How long should you wait to exercise after sinus surgery?

Avoid blowing your nose for a 7 to 10 day period and avoid heavy exercise or contact sports for three to four weeks to prevent bleeding.”. “I would certainly urge anyone with chronic sinusitis to consider sinus surgery,” says Szczygiel.

How long should you take off work for sinus surgery?

“After sinus surgery, you should expect sinus congestion, mild sinus headaches, and perhaps a small amount of nasal oozing of blood, but this is usually not a significant problem. You should expect to take one to two weeks off from work depending on the physical nature of your job,” says Mark A.