
What can a photograph tell us?

What can a photograph tell us?

In it’s longer form, a series of photos tells a larger story. A photograph will capture & freeze a moment in time whilst conveying an emotion, expressing a mood, sharing an idea & telling a narrative. Photos can be used to tell many stories; from travels around the world to family holidays.

What do you like about photography?

Photography makes me understand people better, getting to know more people, it makes more social and more sensitive, and feel the sadness or anger they hide behind smiles because a picture can tell a lot of things. Photography also makes me creative and productive to practice patience and focus.

What do you think is the purpose of editing a picture?

With photo editing, there is no limit to the effects that can be brought about in a simple photograph. You can make any event look and feel more vibrant, fun and appealing with photo editing. These photographs can be fixed even if they are damaged. Photo editing can bring to life any picture with more color and joy!

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Why is a photo important?

Photographs play an important role in everyone’s life – they connect us to our past, they remind us of people, places, feelings, and stories. They can help us to know who we are. Photographs are a tangible link to the past, to their lost childhood’ (p.

Why do we like photography?

Here are the top ten reasons why we love photography so much. Photography Helps Us Communicate – Photographs help us share our memories with others. Photography allows us to express and bring out the beauty in front of us. It’s In The Details – As photographers we notice the small things.

What makes great photography great?

Great photography is a balance of technical and artistic! You need to develop both parts of that equation. The best in their field produce storytelling photography that is both technically sound, and interesting enough to draw the viewer in to their images. Part One – the technical.

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What makes a photograph a photograph?

unlike any other visual image, a photograph is not a rendering, an imitation or an interpretation of its subject, but actually a trace of it. No painting or drawing, however naturalist, belongs to its subject in the way that a photograph does.

What is photphotography speak?

Photography speaks. When I discovered and later understood photographic visual language, I saw that this language could inform, educate and move audiences worldwide without the need for a shared spoken language. A successful photo story, when well-authored and edited, is universally understood.

What is the importance of Photography in society?

Photography can defeat time. Images can keep the memory of a loved one alive, hold a moment in history for future generations, be a witness to tragedy or joy. They can also change behavior, stimulate understanding and create a sense of urgency that will move people to action. Photography is the universal language that speaks to the heart.