
What body parts can be reattached?

What body parts can be reattached?

Replantation of amputated parts has been performed on fingers, hands, forearms, arms, toes, feet, legs, ears, scalp, face, lips, penis and a tongue. It can be performed on almost any body part of children.

Can you reattach severed body parts?

If an accident or trauma results in complete amputation (the body part is totally severed), the part sometimes can be reattached, often when proper care is taken of the severed part and stump, or residual limb. In a partial amputation, some soft-tissue connection remains.

Can a human limb be reattached?

Limb replantation is a complex microsurgical procedure that allows patients to have severed limbs reattached or “replanted” to their body. Most patients need limb replantation within hours of experiencing traumatic injuries. Depending on the type of injury you have, surgical specialists can replant some severed limbs.

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Can you reattach severed fingers?

Surgery or an operation to reattach a severed finger is also called replantation. Your doctor or surgeon will look at the amputated finger or fingers carefully with a microscope to find out if it can be reattached. Partially severed fingertips or fingers are more likely to be reattached.

Can you sew a hand back on?

Replantation is the surgical reattachment of a finger, hand or arm that has been completely cut from a person’s body (Figure 1). The goal of this surgery is to give the patient back as much use of the injured area as possible. This procedure is recommended if the replanted part is expected to function without pain.

Can Surgeons reattach a hand?

Can you reattach a toe?

Replantation of an amputated part is best done within 6 hours after the injury. But replantation can still be successful if the amputated part has been cooled for up to 24 hours after the injury. You will not have the same flexibility in the finger or toe after surgery.

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Can you reattach a arm?