What are toxic Stans?

What are toxic Stans?

But in recent years, a new term has been used to describe obsessive fans or “stans.” These are people who support a creator to extreme lengths, even attacking or bullying non-fans online. Twitter has become notorious for these toxic spaces with the allowed anonymity of a celebrity profile picture and themed username.

Are K-pop Stans toxic?

Yes, there are toxic K-Pop fans in every fandom, especially the big popular ones like BLACKPINK, BTS, Exo, and Twice. It’s not necessarily because the fans are bad people, they just get heavily caught up with competition and start lots of fan wars.

How would you describe a Stan K-pop?

A K-pop stan is a borderline obsessive fan of a Korean pop music band or artist. BTS and Blackpink are the two K-pop acts most commonly “stanned.”

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Why Stans are toxic?

Stan culture can be toxic when fans intentionally blind themselves to support their idol. They refuse to admit that celebrities are human too, which does not make them an exception to failure. There is nothing wrong with being a fan of something or someone, just as long as you are aware that nothing is perfect.

How do I leave K-pop fandom?

If you have any tickets to concerts or fanmeets or other events, sell them or give them to friends. If your friends/family know you were a fan of a group, let them know you no longer like the group so they don’t accidentally spend their money on merch you won’t want anymore.

What are K-pop Stans called?

Kpop fans in general are called “Kpop stans” or “Kpoppers”. However, we don’t use that term anymore. Each group has their own official name for their fans and if you happen to be a fan of multiple groups, you can just refer to yourself as a “Multifandom stan”.

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What is aka K-Pop Stan?

A K-Pop stan is a fan of K-Pop to the point of it being their religion. If you talk negatively about their idols, they’re going to attack and harass you for it. They’re extremely different from their cousins, the K-Pop fans, who are actually quite chill and polite.

What is K-pop music?

Kpop is considered a fairly new form of music. The type of K-Pop music that you’re listening to today was formed around the 1990s. The roots for K-Pop began from the 1950s, however, and have since then already been influenced a lot by different types of Western music and pop groups.

What is a Kpop ‘fan’?

The origin of the word comes from Eminem’s song ‘Stan’. Stan was originally a mix of ‘Stalker’ and ‘Fan’ in order to describe obsessive stalker fans. K-pop ‘fans’ are notoriously obsessive about keeping up to date and supporting their favourite groups.

What is Kpop in Korean?

However, Kpop in Korean is 대중음악. This term literally means pop music. But, this term can be a bit formal or literary so many young people use 가요 instead which means song. Kpop in Korean can also be called as 대중가요.