
What are the problem of gifted and talented children?

What are the problem of gifted and talented children?

Being gifted academically can make a child feel different from her peers and may even lead to the child being bullied and becoming depressed. Studies have shown that the more intellectually gifted a child is, the greater the risk of social difficulties and unhappiness.

What is the biggest challenge facing gifted and talented students?

Schools have been warned that failure to adequately challenge gifted and talented students poses serious risks to their educational and social development; lifelong consequences can include: becoming disengaged, underachieving and exhibiting perfectionism. developing selective mutism. pathological fear of failure.

What happens to gifted children when they become adults?

When gifted children become adults, they face unique career challenges, especially if they don’t recognize themselves as gifted. They might try to fit into corporate life, only to get frustrated. Corporate life rewards qualities like frustration tolerance and conformity.

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What are the negative effects of giftedness in the workplace?

They will most likely experience high levels of stress, anxiety, agitation, depression and depletion. Major bouts of depression and suicidal thoughts and feelings are also not uncommon. Helping professionals who are not informed about giftedness and the specialized needs and experience of the gifted can make, and have made]

How can I Help my gifted child feel different?

Virtually all the characteristics of giftedness can make gifted children feel “different,” even at a very early age. It’s important, therefore, to get them together with children like them and with people who understand them. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback!

Is giftedness a guarantee of success?

However, giftedness is no guarantee of success; the world is full of gifted failures. Yet so many parents hope beyond hope that their children are gifted. Children have also come to believe the myth of giftedness.