
What are the indicators of an educated person?

What are the indicators of an educated person?

An educated person is rational and reasonable. He has the ability to reason analytically and critically. He has the ability to think clearly and independently and has good judgment. He knows how to acquire knowledge and skills and make productive use of it.

Why educated people are better than uneducated people?

An educated person is more aware of his surroundings like- social, political, and economic situation than an uneducated person. An uneducated person is more open-minded, welcoming attitude towards others. An educated person is self-centered on the other hand. A person gains knowledge from experience as well.

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Does being literate make you educated?

Literacy is defined as acquiring the ability to read, write and understand. While an educated person can be literate, every literate person cannot be called educated. Education is a broader concept which takes into consideration the all-round development of a human personality.

How is literacy different from education?

The key difference between education and literacy is that the literacy basically refers to the ability to read and write whereas the education refers to the acquisition of knowledge. While literacy is a key factor that helps to measure the education level in a country, these two terms are not interchangeable.

What makes a person an educated person?

An educated person is capable of doing new things; they have the ability to generate ideas and turn them into reality. An educated person is innovative. 36. An educated person is one whose natural curiosity has been awakened with the purpose of satisfying that curiosity.

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Is more education correlated with less religion?

In fact, highly educated Christians are more likely than less-educated Christians to say they are weekly churchgoers. 2 Looking at the U.S. public as a whole, however, the answer to the question of whether more education is correlated with less religion appears to be yes.

Do higher levels of Education make people live longer?

Despite the potential to reduce educational differences in mortality, it may be overly simplistic to assume that they are easily responsive to increased future investments in the education of U.S. children. Higher levels of schooling do not necessarily causepeople to live longer.

What is the most educated religion in the US?

In the U.S., Hindus and Jews are among the most highly educated religious groups. Worldwide, Jews have the most years of formal schooling. Moreover, the majority of American adults (71\%) identify as Christians.