
What are the French good at?

What are the French good at?

As well as quite a few other things the French do superlatively well.

  • Cheese. Yes, it’s a cliché but France remains the ultimate destination for cheese lovers.
  • Shopping.
  • Museums.
  • Trains.
  • Traffic jams.
  • Politeness.
  • Sexiness.
  • Luxury.

What makes the French unique?

The reason that French is challenging compared to Spanish, German and Italian is because it has a completely unique way of pronunciation. The only similarity the English and French language has is the number of the letters on the alphabet. Both languages have the complete A-Z alphabet.

What is so good about France?

France entices people of all ages with some of the world’s most iconic landmarks, world-class art and architecture, sensational food, stunning beaches, glitzy ski resorts, beautiful countryside and a staggering amount of history.”

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What is special in France?

France is famous for the Eiffel Tower in Paris and sweet-scented lavender fields in Provence. It’s a well-known tourist destination that offers museums, art galleries and fine cuisine. France is also known for its varied landscapes, from the mountains in the Alps to the dazzling beaches of Marseille, Corsica and Nice.

Is France known for love?

For a long time, France has been renowned as one of the most romantic countries in the world, with Paris often being referred to as the ‘city of love’. Unsurprisingly, Paris is where countless couples flock for a short break or choose to declare their love for this city by purchasing a permanent home.

What are 3 facts about French?

5 French Language Facts:

  • French is a Romance language.
  • There are around 220 million French speakers worldwide.
  • French has a great number of homophones.
  • About 45\% of modern English words are of French origin.
  • Along with English, French remains an influential language in the diplomatic world.
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What does France do for the world?

France retains its centuries-long status as a global centre of art, science and philosophy. It hosts the fifth-largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and is the world’s leading tourist destination, receiving over 89 million foreign visitors in 2018.

What do the French do so well?

There are sophisticated cities, sunny seashores, snowy mountains and wooded valleys all in one country. Not to mention a lot of cheese. And sex. As well as quite a few other things the French do superlatively well. 1. Cheese Yes, it’s a cliché but France remains the ultimate destination for cheese lovers.

What is it like to live in France?

And nobody knows it better than the French. The country is surprisingly like the United States (which it taught a thing or two about liberté) in that you don’t really ever need to leave. There are sophisticated cities, sunny seashores, snowy mountains and wooded valleys all in one country. Not to mention a lot of cheese. And sex.

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How do the French defend their small businesses?

At the other end, the French have defended their small, often family-owned neighborhood stores — boulangeries, boucheries, épiceries — from being steamrollered by chains. The French also do quirky, one-off boutiques probably better than anyone else.

What is it like to be a French woman?

It’s hard to pin down sexiness but, for many, “being French” is a good working definition. That accent, plus a certain insouciance and joie de vivre (yep, inevitably slipping into French here) make a pretty attractive package in both men and women. And then there’s plain sex, which is everywhere in France.