What are the disadvantages of CentOS?

What are the disadvantages of CentOS?

Smaller user base than other distributions – CentOS, while well established as a viable Linux distribution, lacks as strong of a user base as other distributions, making it more difficult to get support on user forums. Drive compatibility – CentOS lacks as robust driver support as other distributions.

Is CentOS a distribution of Linux?

CentOS (/ˈsɛntɒs/, from Community Enterprise Operating System) is a Linux distribution that provides a free and open-source community-supported computing platform, functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). CentOS 8 was released on 24 September 2019.

What is good about CentOS?

CentOS is very secure and stable. It is on par with RHEL and receives a lot of the same corporate level security updates making it a great choice for all users. CentOS runs very basic software and will run much faster than other similar Linux distributions. I also really like CentOS Web Panel for our web server.

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What is the difference between CentOS and Linux?

The biggest difference between the two Linux distributions is that Ubuntu is based on the Debian architecture while CentOS is forked from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In Ubuntu, you can download DEB packages using the apt-get package manager. CentOS is considered to be a more stable distribution compared to Ubuntu.

What is CentOS Linux based on?

Red Hat Enterprise Linux
What is CentOS? Similar to how Ubuntu is forked from Debian, CentOS is based on the open source code of RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), and provides an enterprise-grade operating system for free. The first version of CentOS, CentOS 2 (named as such because it’s based on RHEL 2.0) was released in 2004.

What is difference between CentOS and CentOS streaming?

CentOS Linux release version numbers reflect the date of the RHEL release on which they are based. For example, CentOS 8.2105 is a rebuild of RHEL 8.3, which released in May of 2021. CentOS Stream, on the other hand, is the upstream, public development branch for RHEL.

Why do we use CentOS Linux?

CentOS uses a very stable (and oftentimes more mature) version of its software and because the release cycle is longer, applications do not need to be updated as often. This allows for developers and major corporations who utilize it to save money as it decreases costs associated with additional development time.

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Why is CentOS better than Ubuntu?

If you run a business, a Dedicated CentOS Server may be the better choice between the two operating systems because, it’s (arguably) more secure and stable than Ubuntu, due to the reserved nature and the lower frequency of its updates. Additionally, CentOS also provides support for cPanel which Ubuntu lacks.

Do you have to pay for CentOS stream?

While RHEL costs money, CentOS offered as a free community-supported enterprise Linux distro. Developers and companies who are good at Linux and don’t want to pay RHEL support fees always selected CentOS to save money and get enterprise-class software. However, the free ride is over.

What is CentOS Linux-based on?

Should I use CentOS or Ubuntu?

What are the advantages of CentOS Linux as a development system?

CentOS Linux works extremely well as a development system. Development packages are readily available and 3rd party compatibility is very high. CentOS Linux works extremely well for high availability clustering. It has native packages for DRBD which make it easy to provision high availability.

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What are the pros and cons of using Linux?

It is known for being a more stable and secure system (The chances of getting a virus on Linux are notably lower than other OS). It consumes very little resources and space unlike Windows. So you can virtually run a system on 500MB of drive and 300mb of ram. Pretty impressive.

Should I use CentOS or Ubuntu for business?

If you are a business owner: CentOS is the ideal choice between the two if you run a business because it’s (arguably) securer and more stable than Ubuntu, owing to the lesser frequency of its updates. Ubuntu has its pros as well but there can be scenarios where you have to revert to older versions because of a new buggy update.

What do you like most about CentOS?

CentOS is a total workhorse and very stable distribution. Security and other updates are a breeze with YUM. The community support and documentation is as good as it gets. Sometimes we have to add some esoteric repositories to YUM, and that is a bit of a pain.