What are the demographics of Quora users?

What are the demographics of Quora users?

Quora has 300 million monthly active users. The site has a 43/57 female-to-male ratio. Adult users who are 18 years and older with a household income greater than $100K spend 2x more time on Quora than LinkedIn.

What age group uses Quora most?

By the end of 2020, the number grew to 300 million, mainly as a result of the pandemic. There are over 190 million active users on Quora monthly. Over 300,000 topics are talked about on Quora. The largest group of Quora users are between the ages of 18 – 24, making up almost half (45\%) of total users.

What is the demographic of Reddit users?

Reddit Demographics: Age According to the latest Reddit statistics, the site is the most popular among users in the 25 to 29 age group (Marketing Charts, 2019). This is followed by 21 percent for the 18 to 24 range, which shows that Reddit is clearly more popular among young adults.

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What is Reddit age demographics?

According to a survey of U.S. adults conducted at the beginning of 2021, 36 percent of respondents who indicated using Reddit were aged between 18 and 29 years old. Reddit usage tends to be affected by users’ age, with older users reporting lower levels of engagement.

What demographic uses twitter?

As of April 2021, Twitter global audience was composed of 38.5 percent of users aged between 25 and 34 years old. The second-largest age group demographic on the platform was represented by users aged between 35 and 49 years old, with a share of almost 21 percent.

What age group uses Quora the most?

More and more age groups are beginning to leverage Quora. Likewise, social media researcher Laura Hale found that 32.5\% of those between the age group of 25 to 34 are using the platform. And it’s the second-largest group that uses Quora.

Is Quora more popular than Twitter?

Quora has 300 million monthly active users Quora has been gaining traction. It’s not as big as Twitter or Instagram, but its active user base is growing. In 2018 (its latest user base update) Quora’s monthly active user base reached 300 million, up from 200 million reported in 2017.

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Where do Quora’s answers come from?

According to Alexa.com, 63\% of Quora’s visits come from Google or other search engines. That means people typing their questions into Google are seeing Quora answers pop up in the search results—and if you’re providing valuable answers, then it’ll be your brand they see.

How many people use quora on their phones?

To few people’s surprise, online usage eats up most of the time we spend on our phones. Quora has developed into a platform for mobile users—in fact, 75\% of users access Quora via their phones. Quora does not publicly release details about its user base.