
What are the characteristics of someone who is financially responsible?

What are the characteristics of someone who is financially responsible?

Financially Responsible person have a Budget and they already have plans in place, for every unexpected occasion. They allocate required amount from their salary for different occasions and goals and never mix them with each other. They follow a definite plan and Budget and stick to it.

How are libertarians beliefs both similar to and different from those of conservatives quizlet?

Conservatives favor state over federal action, emphasize fiscal responsibility, and feel that social issues are best addressed by the private sector. Libertarians tend to favor a more active government, especially in terms of regulation of the economy.

Are social conservatives fiscally conservative and vice versa?

However, not all social conservatives are fiscally conservative and vice-versa. Many people might be socially liberal, for example supporting access to abortion or believing religion and government should be further separated, but also support lower taxes.

What is libertarian conservatism and why does it matter?

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Originating in the United States, libertarian conservatism prioritizes liberty, promoting free expression, freedom of choice and free-market capitalism to achieve conservative ends and rejects liberal social engineering.

What do fiscally conservative supporters of Social Care fail to see?

The key thing that socially liberal, fiscally conservative supporters fail to see is that, in this capitalist global economy, money is the materialization of care. Empathy can only go so far when there are lives at stake, and empathy needs the funding to turn into comprehensive action.

Do fiscal conservative ideologs value freedom?

If socially liberal, fiscal conservative ideologs really valued freedom, they wouldn’t be fiscally conservative. What they really mean when they say that they value freedom is not freedom for all people, but freedom for their wallets. How should it be reworded? What information supports this correction?