
What are the characteristics of flowers pollinated by insects?

What are the characteristics of flowers pollinated by insects?

Insect-pollinated flowers are large, have brightly colored petals, are often sweetly scented, usually contain nectar- to attract insects.

  • Its pollen are often sticky or spiky – to stick to the legs and body of insects.
  • Why do wind pollinated flowers produce more than insect pollinated flowers?

    in wind pollination called anaemophilly, flowers produce pollen grain in large quantity. there are chances of wind to carry them away from the flowers and they may not fertilize. insect pollination flowers comparatively produce less pollen grain because the insects are sure to land on other flowers in search of nectar.

    Which flowers are more attractive insect pollinated or wind pollinated?

    insect pollinated flowers are more attractive because the insect pollinated flowers has bright colourful petals and nectar which the flower use to attract insects for pollination of its pollen grains ..

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    What is wind pollination?

    the transfer of pollen from male to female plant organs by means of the wind. The process usually involves cross-pollination between different plants, rather than self-pollination (see POLLINATION).

    What are the characteristics of wind and insect pollinated flowers?

    Wind pollinated flowers have light coloured petals and do not have a pleasant smell. Insect pollinated flowers have bright coloured petals, and they have a pleasant smell. The pollen grains are lighter in weight so that they can be carried out easily.

    Which plant shows wind or insect pollination?

    Pollen grains are also adapted for insect pollination. Some pollen grains are hairy or spiky, and others are sticky, so they attach to the insect. Plants like wild grasses and cultivated cereals are wind pollinated.

    Which part of a flower is the most attractive to insect?

    Insects are attracted to flowers because of their scent or brightly coloured petals. Many flowers produce a sweet liquid, called nectar, which insects feed on. The female part of the flower is the carpel. It is made up of a stigma, style and an ovary.

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    What part of the flower is the most attractive it uses to attract insects?

    Nectaries. The tissue at the base of a flower (or elsewhere) that secrete nectar. Some plants, such as cotton, have nectaries on the leaves or stems. These are called extrafloral nectaries, and may serve to attract beneficial insects.

    What are insect pollinated plants?

    List of crop plants pollinated by bees

    Common name Scientific name Pollinator
    Cotton Gossypium spp. Honey bees, bumblebees, solitary bees
    Sunflower Helianthus annuus Bumblebees, solitary bees, honey bees
    Flax Linum usitatissimum Honey bees, bumblebees, solitary bees
    Lychee Litchi chinensis Honey bees, flies

    What are wind pollinated flowers called?

    Pollination by wind is called anemophily and such plants in which pollination occurs by wind are called anemophilous plants.

    What is the difference between wind and insect pollination?

    The wind is the pollinating agent. Insects are the pollinating agents. Morphological Features of a Flower. Wind pollinated flowers have light coloured petals and do not have a pleasant smell. Insect pollinated flowers have bright coloured petals, and they have a pleasant smell. Pollen Grains.

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    Why are wind pollinated plants not brightly coloured and very dull?

    These types of plants are not brightly coloured and are very dull because these features of plants are useless in case of wind pollination. Wind pollinated plants do not have a good smell also as they don’t have to attract the insects for transferring their pollen.

    Is maize wind pollinated or water pollinated?

    Maize is a wind-pollinated flower. The female flowers (silk) are exposed, the pollens are copious so they can still be sufficient for pollination in spite of waste, the anthers are loosely held on the filaments enabling unhindered pollen dispersal. These are the basic conditions for wind to be an agent of pollination.

    What is the difference between stamens and wind pollinated flowers?

    Stamens are located in the interiors of the flower, and they are not pendulous. This helps the pollens to get stuck with the agent as they brush against the anthers. Wind pollinated flowers are those flowers which transfer pollen grains from the anther to the sigma by using wind as an agent.