
What are the approaches of Christology?

What are the approaches of Christology?

“Ontological Christology” analyzes the nature or being of Jesus Christ. “Functional Christology” analyzes the works of Jesus Christ, while “soteriological Christology” analyzes the “salvific” standpoints of Christology. Several approaches can be distinguished within Christology.

What are the two main approaches to theology?

in the English Department at Simpson University We wish to offer two conceptual/theological models for the study of literature and explain ways that characteristics of God himself can inform it: (1) an incarnational or Christological model and (2) a Trinitarian model.

What is the purpose of Christology?

Christology seeks to help us understand the person of Jesus so that we will know Him better because the more we know about Jesus the more we will be drawn to Him and love Him.

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What is implicit Christology?

Implicit christology represents diverse attempts to find christological motifs embedded in the words, deeds, and person of the historical Jesus. This quest originates as a response to the scholarly excision of all christological dogma from the historical Jesus.

What is a theological approach?

The theological perspective starts by assuming that the divine, however defined, is real and that religion is a response or approach to spiritual realities. At the very least, the theological perspective is willing to entertain the possibility of the existence of God.

What are the three types of theology?

From the works of Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria and Origen, and Ireanaeus of Lyon come the models of moral theology, metaphysical theology, and pastoral theology. This categorization helps students understand the validity and application of all three models in the study of theology today.

What is the relevance of Christology in the 21st century?

In the contemporary setting, ongoing interest in Christology can be seen from the many studies which continue to be published exploring afresh both the scriptural witness and tradition in order to equip the Church more effectively in its mission to witness Christ now and into the future.

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What is the Christology of the Gospel of Mark?

Jesus is portrayed in Mark as the great savior who tran- scends the realm of mortals through his suffering, death, and resurrection. This high Christology is a refutation of the notion that Mark presents Jesus as the humble and humane teacher of ethics.

What is Theocentric approach?

Theocentricism is the belief that God is the central aspect to existence, as opposed to anthropocentrism and existentialism. In this view, meaning and value of actions done to people or the environment are attributed to God. Theocentrism was a key element of the Christology of Saint Augustine.

What is the psychological approach to religion?

Psychology of religion tries to understand the cause-effect relationships of religious experiences and religious consciousness so as to be able to predict behaviors. It aims to study the religious consciousness with investigations in religious behavior patterns.

How do you approach Christology?

However it is interesting to note that there is more than one way of approaching the topic of Christology, one of which being ‘from below.’ “A Christology ‘from below’… starts with the historical Jesus, insofar as he can be accessed by historical enquiry, and asks questions about the significance of his teaching, actions, and self-image.”

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What is the meaning of christchristology?

Christology: Jesus Christ. The term “christology” (from Greek christos meaning “anointed one” or “Christ”) refers to the study of Christ. It often includes such topics as the preexistence and eternality of Christ, OT prophecies about Christ, Christ’s humanity, deity, and incarnation, as well as the issue of his temptations and sinlessness,

What is the difference between soteriology and Christology?

Soteriology is the study of salvation and Christology is the study of the person and work of Jesus. It is through Jesus Christ that humankind receives salvation; therefore, it is through Jesus Christ that the understanding of salvation must come.

Is a low-ascending approach to Christology dangerous?

However there is an even greater potential danger inherent in a low-ascending approach to Christology, namely that one runs the risk of coming to the conclusion that Jesus is little more than a moral teacher or mystic. [22]