
What are the advantages of large length of air gap in DC machine?

What are the advantages of large length of air gap in DC machine?

In dc machines a larger value of air gap length results in lesser noise, better cooling, reduced pole face losses, reduced circulating currents, less distortion of field form and lesser armature reaction.

What is the effect of increasing air gap in induction motor?

If the air gap of an induction motor increases, 1) The permeability of the magnetic circuit rotor-to-stator will decrease. 2) The magnetizing inductance of the motor thus decreases. 3) The magnetizing current will increase; This will cause a poor power factor at all loads.

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Which are the disadvantages of higher value of specific electrical loading?

Disadvantages of Specific Magnetic loading 4. Higher magnetizing current and poor PF in induction machines. 5. Higher flux densities in tooth and core.

What are the advantage of rotating magnetic field?

Advantages of Rotating Field with Stationary Armature Rotating field is comparatively light and can run with high speed. High voltage can be generate due to high speed and there is very little difficulty in providing high voltage on a stationary part than a moving part.

What are the advantages of placing field winding in rotor in an alternator?

The field winding of an alternator is placed on the rotor and is connected to DC supply through two slip rings. It is easier to insulate stationary winding for high voltages for which the alternators are usually designed.

What are advantages and disadvantages of using higher specific loading?

Advantages and disadvantages due to Higher Specific magnetic Loading

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Advantages of Specific Magnetic loading Disadvantages of Specific Magnetic loading
7. Higher stability in synchronous machines Increased magnetic hum and noise
__ Reduced leakage reactance and hence higher currents during short circuits
__ Lower efficiency

What are the advantages of large air gap in induction motor?

The one and only advantage by large air gap is cooling (I Think) there is no advantages than that. If the air gap of an induction motor is increased, the following will happen: The permeability of the magnetic circuit rotor-to-stator will decrease. The magnetizing inductance of he motor thus decreases. The magnetizing current will increase.

What are the advantages of large air gap in stator?

with increase in air gap length , magnetizing mmf increases and hence greater the magnetizing current. therefore, the phase angle between the applied voltage and stator current will increase which give low power factor. large air gap provides better cooling. reduced noise. reduced in tooth pulsation.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of larger air gap length?

Air gap in synchronous machine affects the value of SCR and hence it influences many other parameters. Hence, choice of air gap length is very critical in case of synchronous machines. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of larger air gap. (vi) Magnetic pull: Smaller value of unbalanced magnetic pull Disadvantages:

What is the effect of air gap on power consumption?

Increase in air gap has the following effects. It increases the magnetising current. It decreases the permeability. And the most important factor is, it increases the no load current. That means air gap increase will result in higher power consumption. So losses will increase.