Tips and tricks

What are some signs that a friend could be struggling with a mental health issue?

What are some signs that a friend could be struggling with a mental health issue?

They might be quieter than usual or get impatient or irritated more easily than they usually do. They could seem distant or preoccupied and struggling to hold a proper conversation. Alternatively, they might seem louder and chattier than usual – or even hyper. You’ve noticed they’ve been crying a lot.

What do you say to a friend with bad mental health?

5 Helpful Things to Say to Friends with a Mental Illness

  • 1) “I’m here for you.” Four simple words that go a long way.
  • 2) “You’re not alone.”
  • 3) “You are worthy and deserving.”
  • 4) “You don’t have to apologize.”
  • 5) “There is treatment available to you…”
  • Start a Relationship with An Exceptional Counselor.
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What could you do to support a friend who is living with a mental illness?

There are some general strategies that you can use to help:

  • Listen without making judgements and concentrate on their needs in that moment.
  • Ask them what would help them.
  • Reassure and signpost to practical information or resources.
  • Avoid confrontation.
  • Ask if there is someone they would like you to contact.

How do you deal with someone who is struggling with mental illness?

Try to show patience and caring and try not to be judgmental of their thoughts and actions. Listen; don’t disregard or challenge the person’s feelings. Encourage them to talk with a mental health care provider or with their primary care provider if that would be more comfortable for them.

What do you do if your friend has a mental breakdown?

How to Help Someone During a Nervous Breakdown

  1. Create a safe and calm environment. Make sure both physically and emotionally the individual is in a safe place.
  2. Listen without judgment.
  3. Encourage treatment.
  4. Help them make lifestyle changes.
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Can You Be Friends with someone with mental health issues?

Living with mental health issues is hard, really hard. But being being friends with someone who has mental health issues can also be tough. I have lost many friends over the years because of my mental illnesses but I have gained some fantastic ones too. I think, looking back, the reason these friends left my life is down to lack of understanding.

Are You blaming people with mental illness for their struggles?

Victim-blaming folks with mental illness is not just a matter of stigma — it’s directly harming people with disabilities. By blaming people with mental illness for their struggles, rather than a system and a culture that consistently fails us, we perpetuate the struggles and stigma that we live with every day. We can do better than this.

What happens when someone refuses to seek mental health care?

If someone displays these behaviors and refuses to seek care, another person may petition the local magistrate for psychiatric evaluation. This involves signing a legal document stating the facts that indicate the person is mentally ill and a danger to self or others.

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Why do mentally ill people feel discouraged when they advocate for themselves?

The expectation that mentally ill folks are doing something wrong if they aren’t constantly in motion is an unrealistic and unfair burden to place on us, especially because the level of dysfunction that mental health conditions can present can make it nearly impossible to advocate for ourselves in the first place. Feeling discouraged is valid.