
What are some qualities of street smarts and school smarts?

What are some qualities of street smarts and school smarts?

People who possess street smarts have a greater sense of what goes socially. This is a huge advantage when dealing with people as it offers you a sense of ease. You can learn how to be book smart in school but even someone with a Harvard degree can still lack common sense.

What are the 3 smarts?

3 Kinds of Smarts

  • street smarts.
  • book smarts.
  • age smarts.

Are street smarts better?

“A college degree may help to open the door to a better job, but street smarts are what allow you to succeed once you walk through that door.” To her, having the skills of a street smart is more significant. They can think logically, adapt to their surroundings, and work well in socialization.

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What are some qualities of being book smart?

Book smarts vs street smarts

Traits/Characteristics Book Smarts
Focuses on Focuses on the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ – process oriented
Knowledge type Theoretical and fundamental. They know facts and information.
Decision making Delayed decisions. Such people take decision based on facts, knowledge, tried and tested strategies

Is street smart intellectual?

Simply put, a person who has book smarts is someone who is intelligent and well educated academically. Street-smart people are unintelligent and incapable of achieving a higher education, but are more passionate and can usually find an answer to a problem through trial and error.

What is considered street smart?

What does ‘street smart’ mean? Being street smart means you have a good situational understanding and awareness; in simple words, you know what is going on around you. Your solutions are practical, resulting from ‘real-life’ experience.

What is being street smart?

Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself safe from strangers when you’re alone or with other kids. Whether you’re walking to school or to the bus, hanging out on the playground, or riding your bike in your neighborhood, being street smart helps you stay safe.

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Is street smart a character traits?

The stereotype of a street-smart person is someone who knows how to handle practical situations in everyday life necessary to “get things done” but is not as inherently educated or gifted academically.

What are the characteristics of street smarts?

The street smarts will never rely on books to teach them how problems are handled and how things work. They are strongly prejudiced and have more practical knowledge of how to act in a particular situation. They are independent and do not always look for assistance from others. Frequently they have their own approach.

What is the difference between street smarts and academic intelligence?

Whether a person is more skilled in street smarts or academic intelligence depends on the conditions in which he or she has grown up. Academic smarts and street smarts have a lot in common, but each aspect has its own peculiarities. Street smarts help people survive while academic intelligence results in good grades.

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What is the difference between book smart and street smart people?

The main difference between these two groups is in the sources of their knowledge. Book smart people receive their knowledge from theories and books, and street smart people obtain it from their own experience. Those, who are academically inclined, lack strategy, genuine affection and appeal, and without these items intelligence is nothing.

What is the difference between knowledge and street smarts?

It solely is a theoretical understanding of facts or ideas. Whereas, street smarts refers to the experiential knowledge on things. While which one is more helpful can be a matter of debate and also depends on the context, it is generally seen that street smarts weigh more on the scale when it comes to making one’s way to success.