
What are some heroes weaknesses?

What are some heroes weaknesses?

Here are the 15 Most Embarassing Superhero Weaknesses.

  • 15 Martian Manhunter: Matches.
  • 14 Captain Marvel Jr: Saying His Name Out Loud.
  • 13 Daredevil: “Loud Noises!”
  • 12 The Flash: Excessive Speed.
  • 11 Superman: Pink Kryptonite.
  • 10 The Riddler: Wanting to Get Caught.
  • 9 Johnny Storm: Asbestos.
  • 8 Venom: A Cigarette Lighter.

Which Super Heroes have weaknesses?

10 Obvious Superhero Weaknesses (That Supervillains Hardly Ever Exploit) The Unwieldy Cape. Capes aren’t the best accessories to sport in the midst of combat. The Unprotected Face. Numerous superheroes carefully ensconce their entire bodies in armor but neglect to cover the lower halves of their faces. Speech-based Powers. Easily Overwhelmed Supersenses. Lack of Peripheral Vision. Wide Open Spaces. Joint pain. Healing Factor.

Does Superman still have a weakness?

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15 Weaknesses You Didn’t Know Superman Had Nuclear Weapons. In the world of comic books, nuclear weapons are used frequently enough that the whole damn universe should be gone by now. Magic. With all the cool powers that Superman has, it’s surprising that none of them have any magic behind them. High-Pitched Frequencies. His Good Nature. Muhammad Ali. Virus X. Lead. Psionic Attacks.

What are Superman’s strengths and weaknesses?

Lead. Lead is very harmful to superman as it blocks Kryptonite radiation. This is Superman’s greatest weakness.

  • Psionic Attacks. Superman’s mind can be easily exploited,even though he has immense strength.
  • Magic. Superman has gained all his powers because of a natural phenomenon.
  • What are weakness has Hulk have superhero?

    15 Weaknesses You Never Knew The Hulk Had MAGIC. Nobody likes magic, least of all superheroes like Superman and the Hulk. HIS EGO. The Hulk likes bragging about how he’s the strongest one there is; though to him it’s stating an absolute. ADAMANTIUM. OVERDOSING ON GAMMA RADIATION. SEX. EATING THE WRONG FOOD. MIND-CONTROL. MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES. GODS. HIS LOVE FOR BETTY ROSS.