Tips and tricks

What are some good creative writing topics?

What are some good creative writing topics?

Creative Writing

  • A cozy spot at home.
  • A dark hallway.
  • A story about a holiday.
  • A trip on a rocket ship.
  • A walk in the woods.
  • Dear George Washington.
  • Donuts for dinner.
  • Funny things my pet has done.

What topics should be avoided?

Some “played out” topics to avoid include:

  • abortion.
  • the death penalty.
  • same-sex marriage.
  • bullying.
  • gun control.
  • freedom of religion.

What makes a good creative writing topic?

Creative writing topics – story starters with a focus on: plot structure and story climax. Write a chilling, edge-of-the-seat, stay-up-late-reading suspenseful story about whether your character will get the new puppy he wants. Make sure your character feels real to us.

What are some creative writing ideas for beginners?

50 Creative Writing Ideas (with Prompts) to Boost Your Inspiration. 1. Try Writing Magical Realism. Write a story from a universe similar to this one but possessing one specific magical quality. 1. Write about two people who grow up together, eventually part ways, move to different sides of the country, and somehow still end up unintentionally

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How do I get inspiration to write creative writing?

50 Creative Writing Ideas (with Prompts) to Boost Your Inspiration. 1 1. Try Writing Magical Realism. 2 2. Write from a Different Perspective. 3 3. Write About What’s Around You. 4 4. Let Your Reading Inspire Your Writing. 5 5. Take a Plot and Write It Multiple Ways.

How to win Creative Writing Contests in all genres?

Here Are Some Strategies To Win Creative Writing Contests In All Genres! Exploit your niche. There’s a specialized creative writing contest out there for just about every writer and every subject. And the more specialized, the better!