What are some bad things about Norway?

What are some bad things about Norway?

The Downsides of Living in Norway

  • Finding work.
  • Getting a driving license.
  • Clearing the UDI immigration hurdles.
  • Learning the language.
  • The high cost of living.
  • It’s difficult to make friends.
  • Adjusting to the rain and cold temperatures.
  • The cost and availability of alcohol and tobacco.

What do you like about Norway?

Here are 15 reasons why living in Norway can be a wonderful adventure.

  • Most people speak English.
  • The scenery is beautiful.
  • You can camp anywhere.
  • A family-friendly state.
  • Norway’s banks have great online services.
  • Health care is more or less free for everybody.
  • Be part of a booming economy.
  • Norway is not overcrowded.

Is Norway a friendly country?

In a ranking of 65 countries around the world for “Friendliness” and “Finding Friends”, the Nordics ranks at the very bottom of the list. Among the countries listed in the “Friendliness” category, Sweden was listed at 56, Denmark at 59, and Norway at 50. The friendliest country is, according to the report, Portugal.

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Why do people living in Norway think they are onto something?

Because people living in Norway are onto something – 18 things, in fact. 1. Norwegians breathe in when saying yes. I mean, that’s just practical. 2. Norwegian people think really boring things are interesting. It seems like pretty much anything will count as entertainment for a Norwegian person.

What do Norwegians do to get cozy?

Things that Norwegians do to get cozy: eat sweets and/or chips, go to a cabin in the middle of the mountains with no electricity or running water, spend time with people they love, light approximately 8,000 candles around their home, and eat tacos.

What are some helpful Norwegian habits you should adopt?

18 Ridiculously Helpful Norwegian Habits You Should Adopt 1 Norwegians breathe in when saying yes. I mean, that’s just practical. 2 Norwegian people think really boring things are interesting. It seems like pretty much anything will count as entertainment for a Norwegian person. Hello, slow tv. 3 “Mmmm.”

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Do Norwegians really eat something delicious?

No, they haven’t just eaten something delicious, Norwegian people just love to give a good long “mmmm” in response to just about whatever you say. It’s sort of the Norwegian equivalent to the super ambiguous Indian/Nepali head bob.