
What are examples of double standards?

What are examples of double standards?

According to some, double standards between men and women can potentially exist with regards to: dating, cohabitation, virginity, marriage/remarriage, sexual abuse/assault/harassment, domestic violence and singleness.

Why do people hold double standards?

Double standards are believed to develop in people’s minds for a multitude of possible reasons, including: finding an excuse for oneself, emotions clouding judgement, twisting facts to support beliefs (such as confirmation biases, cognitive biases, attraction biases, prejudices or the desire to be right).

How do you handle double standards in the workplace?

To deal with the use of double standards, you can use various techniques, such as asking the person applying the double standards to explain the rationale behind their behavior, or asking them how they would feel if someone else applied similar double standards toward them.

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What is the meaning of double standard?

Definition of ‘double standard’. double standard. If you accuse a person or institution of applying double standards in their treatment of different groups of people, you mean that they unfairly allow more freedom of behaviour to one group than to another.

Why do groups apply double standards to others?

Furthermore, when a group applies double standards toward others, it can either be because the group as a whole applies those double standards, or because key members of that group apply double standards on behalf of the group. In addition, note that double standards can also be applied toward things other than individuals or groups.

What percentage of water is a double standard person?

Hence a double standard person is about 116\% water. Since people often tell me that I’m all wet; perhaps I am such a person and should try to develop a dry sense of humor. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

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Is there a double standard for personal choice?

Many double standards, especially within society at large are unfair and quite frankly need to be trashed. The reason is that there is no room when it comes to a societal or global double standard for individual choice. There is however lots of room within a personal double standard for personal choice.