
What are 5 responsibilities of a citizen?

What are 5 responsibilities of a citizen?

This is my proposed list of 5 responsibilities of all citizens: Personal accountability. Individuals are responsible for their actions, contracts, debts, and obligations, and for accepting the consequences of their actions. Community cooperation.

What are the most important responsibilities of a citizen?

One of the most important responsibility of a citizen is to obey the laws of the United States. Everybody have to obey the laws because if people would just do what they pleased, no society would exist. That is why police officers and courts exist, to keep everything in order.

What are the duties and responsibilities of an US citizen?

Rights Duties And Responsibilities Of A Citizen

  • Rights• to vote and hold public office• to say what you want in speech or writing• to practice your religion• to a fair trial• to be protected by your
  • Duties• Obeying the law• Defending your country• Serving on a jury or as a witness• Paying taxes• Attending school
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    What are the responsibilities of a good citizen?

    A good citizen has to fulfill several duties in order to honestly enjoy all his rights. The first duty of a good citizen is to understand his rights and enjoy them but, with wisdom and an analytical mind. He must be loyal to the country that gives him all that it has, to enjoy and grow.

    What rights and responsibilities are citizens supposed to have?

    All rights of the citizens have been described in the constitution, but importantly these rights carry inherent responsibilities that citizens have to understand and fulfill. There are the rights to worship, right to a fair trial, right to vote, right to life (the most basic right), right to liberty, and the right to pursuit of happiness.

    What duties are required of citizens by law?

    Everyone living in the United States is required to obey local, state and federal laws. Police officers and courts enforce laws, and there are penalties of varying degrees of severity for breaking laws. U.S. citizens are required to testify in court proceedings if summoned.

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