
Was there anyone more powerful than Sauron?

Was there anyone more powerful than Sauron?

While taking the form of elderly, cloaked wizards, the Istari were meant to unite and lead the free peoples of Middle-earth against Sauron. Saruman was the wisest and most powerful wizard. He studied ancient magic, historical lore, and speech craft.

Can glorfindel defeat Sauron?

Unlikely. While Glorfindel did kill a Balrog, it ultimately led to his demise. Which later he gets revived during the Third Age. Sauron during the War of The Ring alone had enough built up strength to be the mightiest power during the Third Age.

Who can fight Sauron?

The only people who could use the Ring to actually overthrow Sauron was down to 4. One was Saruman. Like Sauron, he was a servant of Aule, the Valar blacksmith. So he also had a great understanding of ore and metal, hence how he was able to make gunpowder.

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Could glorfindel defeat the Witch King?

The short answer is, Glorfindel (G) could almost certainly defeat the Witch-king (WK), at least for the vast majority of the WK’s existence. “Defeat” because whilst the WK’s ring existed, nothing was capable of permanently destroying him.

What happened to Sauron after Morgoth was defeated?

Sauron would continue to spread Morgoth’s teachings after his defeat, and ultimately became the new Dark Lord in the Second and Third Ages, but Morgoth himself would never return.

What did Morgoth do in Middle-earth?

Just as Sauron later held a fortress in Mordor, Morgoth established the stronghold of Utumno in the far north of Middle-earth. From there, Morgoth would continue to poison the world with darkness, and his efforts bore fruit – the Valar returned to their home in Valinor and Morgoth ruled supreme in Middle-earth.

What happened to Morgoth after the war with the Valar?

As they did when the elves were first born, the Valar came to Middle-earth and defeated their brother, but this time Morgoth was cast into a void outside of existence, where he remains thereafter.

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Will Morgoth ever return to The Lord of the Rings?

In unpublished writings, Tolkien suggested that Morgoth was destined to one day return, breaking free from his prison of nothingness, but this has never been canonized in The Lord of the Rings.