
Was Eobard Thawne erased from existence?

Was Eobard Thawne erased from existence?

After his plan was exposed and subsequently foiled, Eobard was erased from existence after his ancestor Eddie Thawne killed himself to stop him. As a result of being pulled out of the timeline, Eobard was spared from his fate and continued to exist as a time remnant, while his original actions remained intact.

How does Eobard Thawne still exist?

Flash fans may be rightfully wondering how Thawne can still be alive in the future after we’ve seen him die on more than one occasion. The short answer is because time travel.

How is Eobard Thawne still alive after Eddie killed himself?

How was eobard thawne alive in season 2? The negative speed force protects him from timeline changes. Thawne is a time remnant. The Speed Force fixed this by keeping him alive up to the point of his death by Eddie so the timeline remains intact.

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Who is the Reverse-Flash in Season 1?

Eobard Thawne
Eobard Thawne (Arrowverse)

Eobard Thawne
Arrowverse character
Tom Cavanagh as Eobard Thawne / Reverse-Flash in The CW’s Superhero Fight Club promotional video.
First appearance “Pilot” The Flash October 7, 2014
Based on Eobard Thawne by John Broome Carmine Infantino

Is XS Barry Allen’s daughter?

XS (Jenni Ognats) is a fictional character in the future of the DC Comics universe. Jessica Parker Kennedy portrayed a variation of the character in the fourth, fifth and seventh seasons of The CW Arrowverse television series The Flash. In this version XS is Nora West-Allen, and is Barry’s daughter.

Is Eobard Thawne eddies son?

The other major reveal is the Reverse-Flash is actually Eobard Thawne, and Eddie is his distant ancestor. The show never provides an exact family tree to work out their relation to one another, but it appears Eobard is essentially the great-great-grandson of Eddie.