Should you try more than one therapist?

Should you try more than one therapist?

Here’s my answer: I don’t recommend seeing more than one therapist at a time. In fact I won’t see a client who has another therapist, they have to choose. Allowing two therapists is a set up for “splitting,”and it is totally counterproductive to that person having a successful therapy experience.

Is it ethical to see two therapists at once?

Dual relationships are not absolutely prohibited — some are perfectly acceptable. (The AAMFT Code of Ethics, for example, requires therapists choosing to enter into a dual relationship to document the precautions they take to minimize risk.) But there is not a blanket prohibition on all dual or multiple relationships.

How long should I try out a therapist?

The number of recommended sessions varies by condition and treatment type, however, the majority of psychotherapy clients report feeling better after 3 months; those with depression and anxiety experience significant improvement after short and longer time frames, 1-2 months & 3-4.

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Should you see more than one therapist at the same time?

It is usually taught, in “therapy school,” that clients or patients should not be seeing more than one therapist at the same time. There are many case studies describing situations in which multiple therapists appeared to bring about problems. But is there more substantial evidence,…

Is seeing more than one counsellor a problem?

It’s a fact of counselling life that counselling clients sometimes have more than one therapist at a time. Although I encounter this much less commonly than folks who are working exclusively with one therapist, I have at times been asked if seeing more than one therapist is a problem.

Why do therapists differ from each other?

There is the obvious reason that the two therapists are different people with different ideas and may disagree or take the client in different directions, which could be confusing. But a deeper problem has to do with transference:

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How can I work with more than one counsellor?

Ensure that if working with more than one therapist that each counsellor knows of one another’s existence; in some cases you may even want to sign a release allowing them to talk with one another or together with you in order to map out a coordinated counselling strategy.