
Should you speed up and pass an aggressive driver?

Should you speed up and pass an aggressive driver?

It may be tempting to speed up so they can’t pass you, but don’t do it! Whether you’re on a two-lane road or a multi-lane highway, keep a constant speed (preferably well under the speed limit), so the driver behind you can safely pass when they have the opportunity.

Should you slow down to let someone pass?

If another vehicle is passing you, slow down a bit and let the other vehicle pass you safely. Never speed up when a vehicle is trying to pass you; this is not a friendly and thoughtful way of sharing the road and, most importantly, it is very dangerous in a two-lane road to speed up when another vehicle is passing you.

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Is tailgating road rage or aggressive driving?

Any dangerous driving behavior, done deliberately and with a disregard for safety, may constitute aggressive driving. Common examples of aggressive driving include: Tailgating. Running stop lights or stop signs.

Why do people get angry when they drive?

If you were an evil genius and wanted to develop a situation that made people angry, it would look a lot like driving. Here are four reasons why: Tension . Quite simply, driving is dangerous. Because it is dangerous, it makes us nervous. This is true whether we have been doing it for days, years, or decades.

Are slow drivers as annoying as aggressive drivers?

Anyone stuck behind a slow driver can tell you, they’re as annoying as aggressive drivers… and these are their worst habits.

Why do I get angry when other drivers violate the speed limit?

In this scenario, you are all violating the written rule (i.e., the speed limit) but your anger is the result of the other drivers having broken your personal, unwritten rule. Finally, part of what lends itself to the anger is that most of the time, the other drivers are unknown to us.

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Why are some people so slow on the road?

In many cases, “slowness” can be attributed to the person not paying attention to the road. i.e. They’re too busy talking on the phone or playing around with the dials on their radio.