
Should you say I understand how you feel?

Should you say I understand how you feel?

The phrase suggests that you don’t truly understand what the other person feels at all. So don’t say, “I know how you feel.” Here’s what to do instead.

Why is it important to listen to understand and how do we practice it?

Staying quite by listening attentively to the one talking is crucial because if we keep interrupting, we won’t be able to understand the other person at all. To become a good listener we need patience and practice. A good listener is the key for building a strong relationship with good conversation.

How do you say I understand your feeling?

You can do that by saying:

  1. OK / Alright / Sure.
  2. Got it.
  3. OK, I get it now / That’s clear, thank you.
  4. Fair enough / I see where you’re coming from / I take your point / That makes sense.
  5. Of course / Absolutely.
  6. I appreciate why you think that, but…
  7. I hear what you’re saying, but…
  8. When You Understand Someone’s Feelings:
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What to say instead of how do you feel?

Below, some alternatives to the generic “how are you” that are more likely to elicit a candid answer.

  • How are you today?
  • How are you holding up?
  • I’ve been thinking about you lately. How are you doing?
  • What’s been on your mind recently?
  • Is there any type of support you need right now?
  • Are you anxious about anything?

Are You saying only the things you know people want to hear?

The desire to be liked often causes us to say only the things we know people want to hear. And there is a danger in that for both the giver and receiver. First, as the receiver, when we only hear the things we want to hear, we are rarely pushed into areas of needed growth.

What is it called when you hear what you want to hear?

Pareidolia: People Hear What They Want to Hear. Our brains are wired in such a way that they can play tricks on us, causing us to think that there are meaningful patterns in what is actually random, meaningless information. This is known as pareidolia.

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Is it bad news to tell people what they want to hear?

Doing it occasionally is one thing, doing it habitually will only lead to ill feeling. Telling people what they want to hear and either not living up to this or simmering with resentment about your pushed down feelings and opinions, is the real ‘bad news’ because it damages your credibility and your relationships.

Why do we need to condition our listeners?

By doing so, you’re conditioning your listeners to expect to extract meaningful information from the sound they hear.