
Should I end my 30 year marriage?

Should I end my 30 year marriage?

Surviving divorce after a long marriage requires considering other factors than those that a younger couple would consider. Leaving a marriage after 30 years may be a way to rejuvenate their lives. They likely have valuable assets. Most couples who have been together for 30 years or more have a valuable marital home.

How do you tell if a friend’s marriage is in trouble?

Common Warning Signs of a Marriage in Trouble

  1. You’re Always Criticizing Each Other.
  2. You Don’t Have Sex Anymore.
  3. You Have the Same Argument Over and Over (and Over)
  4. You Don’t Argue Anymore.
  5. You Don’t Enjoy Spending Time Together.
  6. You Start Keeping Secrets.
  7. You Think About Having an Affair.
  8. They’re Not The First Person You Call.

How can I help my friend cope with her unhappy marriage?

The more grounded and whole you are, the better a friend you’ll be. Start talking about your insights and activities with your friend. Focus on things that bring you joy, peace, inspiration, and wellness to your life. Don’t dwell on helping her cope with her unhappy marriage – she is coping the way she wants.

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Does your spouse feel threatened by a friend?

It’s probably safe to say that we’ve all had a close friend that caused rough waters with our spouse. While there was no real competition or sparks, your spouse may feel threatened by this individual for one reason or another. In some ways this can be brought on by self-esteem issues or prior events that took place in another relationship.

How can I help someone who is struggling with a divorce?

Pray for them by name. Ask God to intervene in their marriage. Ask God to give you and others wisdom to know how to help. Pray in their presence as well as when alone. Send emails and note cards of encouragement. Listen. Listening doesn’t mean simply hearing.

What can I do if I can’t afford marriage counseling?

Focus on the Family offers a free counseling consult as well as a free referral service to a Focus-screened marriage therapist. Connect them with a mentor couple. If you are not qualified to help, call your pastor to recommend an older couple who is willing to mentor a younger couple.