
Is Tony Robbins really a good guy?

Is Tony Robbins really a good guy?

For the past three decades, Robbins has been the premier “performance coach,” building a business empire and coaching clients like Paul Tudor Jones and Bill Clinton. Robbins can be a polarizing figure, but I found him to be a genuine person with practical insights, not hollow positive thinking.

What is special about Tony Robbins?

Anthony Jay Robbins (born Anthony J. Mahavoric, February 29, 1960) is an American author, coach, speaker, and philanthropist. He is known for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books including the books Unlimited Power (published in 1986) and Awaken the Giant Within (published in 1993).

Is Tony Robbins a dodgy?

Tony Robbins claims he has helped millions of fans overcome some of life’s darkest difficulties. But leaked records reveal he has used his fame to berate victims of rape and violence, while female former staffers and followers have accused him of inappropriate sexual advances.

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What does Tony Robbins teach?

Model success. Learn and model the success of others. Robbins teaches us that “success leaves clues.” Find the people that are the best at what they do and use them as reference examples. Find real-world examples of people or things with the results you want.

Why is Tony Robbins a good speaker?

In case you haven’t noticed, I have great admiration for Tony Robbins as a public speaker. He’s raw, direct, focused, intense, and engaging. Truth be told, he’s a downright force of nature when he presents, as he’s able to help people become more decisive on critical decisions during his speeches.

Who did Tony Robbins learn from?

Jim Rohn
3 lasting lessons from Jim Rohn, the man who mentored Tony Robbins.

What does Tony Robbins say about focus?

“Where focus goes, energy flows,” Tony Robbins says. “What you focus on, you feel.” The power of focus affects all aspects of your life. You can focus on goals at work, in your relationships or on personal goals like fitness and emotional health – and you can manifest those goals into being.

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Who is Tony Robbins and why is he famous?

Described as a self-made millionaire and current life coach, Tony Robbins is one of the longer running advocates of motivational speaking and self-awareness. At 59 years old, he has had his supporters and detractors over the years, making him somewhat of a controversial figure.

What does Tony Robbins wish he could change about himself?

When Tony Robbins was asked in an interview what he wishes he could change about himself, his answer was pretty shocking. Robbins wishes that he could be smaller to be able to fit in cars.

Why does Tony Robbins feed two million people every year?

He reports that there were times there was no food for them to eat. In response to this struggle he faced growing up, Tony Robbins feeds over two million people every year because his family was fed when he was 11 years old by some strangers on Thanksgiving. Because of his unstable childhood, he had to learn to pound certainty into himself.

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How many books has Tony Robbins written?

Through his four published books, he reaches out to millions of people and gives them insight into the inner workings of their own brains and the way in which they can reach the utmost level of happiness in their lives. There are a lot of things that are known about Tony Robbins, like his obvious generous nature and his huge heart.