Is there such a thing as an atheistic Islam?

Is there such a thing as an atheistic Islam?

And that sums it up. Islam is a religion, and you cannot have an atheistic Islam. But many atheists from Muslim families and Muslim communities identify with the cultural aspects of their Muslim heritage and history, as do atheists with Christian or Jewish heritage.

How do I tell my parents that I am an atheist?

If you cannot find an atheist group, you may confide in a trusted friend. It is easier when you don’t have to go it alone. Tell your parents. If you feel that you are ready to tell your parents then do so when they have the time to listen to you and there are no other distractions.

How can I express my atheism in public?

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There are many atheist groups both locally and online. Some of them have gone through similar experiences and may have good advice on how to proceed. They may also give you moral support or assistance when needed. At the minimum, they will offer safe venue for expressing your atheism.

Is it difficult to be an atheist with religious parents?

It is even more difficult when your beliefs differ from your parents who have so much influence over your life. Revealing yourself as an atheist, or any other belief your religious parents may or may not approve of, can be tricky and carries some risks, so it should be done carefully.

Is there an open forum for atheists?

The “Atheism” Open Forum on Facebook, “You Ask, Atheists Answer,” has almost 60,000 members. Many of them are Indonesian. And there are others like Karina, an Indonesian, who created a private Facebook page for Indonesian atheists. Why do Muslims become atheists?

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Is there such a thing as a Muslim culture?

Just like Judaism is a religion that can exist independently from Jewish ethnicity or Jewish culture, Islam is a religion, and even though Muslims are ethnically and racially varied, there really is such a thing as a Muslim culture that can exist separately from Islam. It’s true that Muslims around the world are culturally heterogeneous.

Why did Luna become an atheist?

As a university student, Luna was a member of a conservative Muslim group. She prayed five times per day, refused to shake hands with men, and was more pious than her parents. However, 10 years later, she became an atheist. Why? Small things began to shake her confidence in her beliefs.

How many atheists are there in Saudi Arabia?

The journal cited a 2012, WIN/Gallup International poll which found that 5 per cent of Saudi citizens—more than a million people—self-identified as ‘convinced atheists,’ the same percentage as in the United States. ‘19 per cent of Saudis—almost six million people—think of themselves as “not a religious person.” In Italy, the figure is 15 per cent.

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Are there any countries where atheists are deserting the Muslim world?

Even deeply conservative countries with strict anti-apostasy regimes like Pakistan, Iran and Sudan have been hit by desertions. The Saudis were taken aback when the American journal, The New Republic, revealed the scale of Muslim conversion to atheism in their country, and more widely in the Muslim world.

How do Americans rate atheists?

U.S. adults gave atheists an average rating of 49, identical to the rating they gave Muslims (49) and colder than the average given to Jews (63), Catholics (60) and evangelical Christians (56). Note: This is an update of a post originally published on Nov. 5, 2015.