
Is The World Factbook a reliable source?

Is The World Factbook a reliable source?

The World Factbook provides reliable information about countries and nations from around the world.

Is the CIA World Factbook a scholarly source?

The World Factbook, also known as the CIA World Factbook, is a reference resource produced by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with almanac-style information about the countries of the world. However, it is frequently used as a resource for academic research papers and news articles.

Is the CIA World Factbook a database?

Taking these two terms together, the CIA World Factbook (Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], 2009) is an excellent example of a curated database. It is almost certainly the most highly used online reference for demographic information. Like many other reference sources, the Factbook is constantly updated.

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What is the purpose of CIA Factbook?

“The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.

Who is the author of The World Factbook?

Central Intelligence Agency
The World Factbook

The World Factbook 2008 (government edition) cover.
Author Central Intelligence Agency
Publisher Directorate of Intelligence
Released {{{release_date}}}
ISBN see the list of ISBN numbers

What is the purpose of the CIA Factbook?

Who is the best intelligence agency?

One of the top intelligence agencies in the world is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It is the foreign intelligence agency of the US.

What is the world’s GDP on CIA Factbook?

$1.746 billion
$1.746 billion (2019 est.)

How accurate is the CIA Factbook?

The CIA Factbook is probably more accurate than most, however. But it must be remembered that the CIA is an intelligence and counter intelligence agency. False information and propaganda is their stock-in-trade, so anything published or stated by them as an agency and placed in the public domain should be viewed in that light.

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What is the CIA NIS used for?

These were intended to provide basic information for use primarily by analysts in the Current Intelligence Division, but they were welcomed by many other elements of the CIA as well. For one example, an ops officer newly assigned to a country he knew little about would find an NIS very useful.

What is the national basic intelligence Factbook?

So instead they established a new product called the National Basic Intelligence Factbook. This was published annually and contained the type of information that was subject to change as well as basic attributes that might well satisfy a casual user. It was published in classified and unclassified versions.

What was the early history of the CIA?

In the early years after the CIA was established, everything had to be started pretty much from scratch, invented on the fly, and adjusted later as needed. The Directorate of Plans (now the Directorate of Operations) had a bit of a head start, owing to personnel who had served in military intelligence during WW2.