
Is the Earth flat?

Is the Earth flat?

First off, they say the Earth is not flat but a big ball; not stationary but spinning around 19 miles per second; they say the Sun does not revolve around the Earth as it appears, but Earth revolves around the Sun; the Moon, on the other hand, does revolve around the Earth.

Should we be worried about the shape of the Earth?

Moreover, most people were more worried about meeting the necessities of life than they were about the shape of the Earth. The misconception that the Earth must be flat because it looks flat to us arises simply because the Earth is big. The height of an adult is much less than one millionth of the Earth’s radius.

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Is the Earth a spinning ball?

Our Flat Earth is not a spinning ball – Let me introduce 18 simple, logical proofs why the Earth cannot be a ball, spinning at a 1000 miles/hr through space. All you need is logic, sanity and reason. 1. Flat Water – Water always seeks to maintain its level Natural physics easily proves that water always seeks to find and maintain its level.

Does the Earth Move in space?

Earth could still be a globe rotating but would have to remain fixed in one place for the sky to appear as it does to us. So while this is not proof the earth is flat it is a strong indication the earth does not move in space as it is proposed in the globe earth model.

Despite most recent belief, the world is in fact flat and can be proven as such by first creating a visual image, then taking out the evidence supporting the world being spherical and finally explaining the reasons why the earth is indeed flat. The earth is in essence, a flat chuck of land that has taken the shape of an oval.

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What is the best way to debate a flat earth person?

Probably the best way to debate a flat-Earther would be to send one up to the ISS and let them tell you what they see with their own eyes.

Is there a way to debate a flat Earth report using QM?

However, what about reports like this using QM? Probably the best way to debate a flat-Earther would be to send one up to the ISS and let them tell you what they see with their own eyes.

Is the round earth model better than the flat Earth model?

These arguments presented represent both sides of the flat vs round earth debate. I think the evidence towards the round earth model is more factual and compelling compared to the flat earth model. Further studies should be conducted to falsify the flat earth model.