
Is Syrio Forel the best swordsman?

Is Syrio Forel the best swordsman?

Is Syrio Forel the best swordsman in Game of Thrones? – Quora. No. He kept fighting with a wooden sword against a memeber of Kingsguard, when he could have picked up a real one from one of the Lannister guards that he knocked out. The best swordman would not have died so easily.

Who is the best swordsmen in Game of Thrones?

10 Strongest Swordsmen In Game of Thrones, Ranked By Strength

  1. 1 Gregor ‘The Mountain’ Clegane.
  2. 2 Robert Baratheon.
  3. 3 Sandor ‘The Hound’ Clegane.
  4. 4 Khal Drogo.
  5. 5 Tormund Giantsbane.
  6. 6 Ser Arthur Dayne.
  7. 7 Ser Brienne Of Tarth.
  8. 8 Greatjon & Smalljon Umber.

Is bron the best fighter in got?

Bronn, son of no one in particular, is one of the best fighters in Westeros because his whole life has been one long fight for survival. He came from nowhere of importance and soon found that the best way to make money was with a sword.

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How good of a swordsman is Jaime?

Jaime, for all his faults, is definitely one of the best living swordsman in the series. Or, he was before he lost his hand—he’s probably down to about average now, which at least makes it fair for everyone else.

Who is the best swordsman in Westeros?

Barristan Selmy Arguably the greatest swordsman in Westeros, Barristan was a living legend. However, he only makes number eight on this list because as good as he was in his prime, he was relatively old during the start of the show.

Who is the greatest swordsman of all time?

Arya Stark states that he was one of the greatest swordsmen that ever lived; this is proven true as he single-handedly defeated five armored Lannister guards with a wooden training sword. Syrio never wore armor in combat and preferred light weaponry, as the Water Dance strongly relies on agility and being light on one’s feet.

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Who is Syrio Forel on ‘Game of Thrones’?

Syrio Forel is a bravo and master of the Water Dance, originally from the Free City of Braavos where he spent nine years as the First Sword of the city, before relocating to King’s Landing. Season 1 Syrio is hired to teach Arya Stark the ways of a water dancer.

What does syrisyrio do in Game of Thrones?

Syrio is hired to teach Arya Stark the ways of a water dancer. After arriving in King’s Landing, Lord Eddard Stark discovers that his daughter Arya owns a sword (Needle, a gift from her half-brother Jon Snow), but has not been properly trained to use it. He hires Syrio Forel to train Arya in its use.

How did sysyrio become the first Sword of Braavos?

Syrio tells Arya how he became the first sword of Braavos. He was chosen over stronger, faster, and younger men because he was perceptive – he saw while others were blind. He was invited to an audience with the ruler of Braavos, who had a cat on his lap.