
Is Superman a bad guy in Batman vs Superman?

Is Superman a bad guy in Batman vs Superman?

One of the most interesting of the bunch is the Knightmare sequence in which Bruce Wayne has visions of an evil Superman, and Snyder has officially taken to social media to confirm that Supes turns evil in this sequence because of Darkseid’s Anti-Life Equation.

What did flash mean by you were right about him?

The dialogue in this sequence is a bit muddled, but he says Bruce was “right about him,” meaning Superman, and that Lois Lane is the key, and her survival is crucial to… something.

What does the Martha scene mean?

In Batman v Superman, Lex Luthor kidnaps Martha Kent, Clark’s adoptive mother. When Batman is about to kill Superman, Superman says, “Save Martha.” Batman’s, aka Bruce Wayne’s, deceased mother’s name is Martha Wayne. This makes Batman hesitate and, instead of killing Superman, he promises to rescue Martha.

What did Barry Allen tell Batman?

You have to come find us, Bruce! The ominous warning is Barry Allen seemingly pleading with Batman to find Lois Lane, unite the seven members of the Justice League, and be wary of some tragedy that might befall the Man of Steel at some point in the future.

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What happened to Superman in Batman v Superman?

One of the biggest surprise in Batman V Superman : in killing Doomsday, Superman also suffers a mortal wound – and appears to die. The sequence is a loose adaptation of the “Death of Superman” storyline – where Doomsday arrives on Earth and eventually faces-off in a battle to the death with Superman.

Why is it called Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice?

The film’s official title, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, was revealed in May 2014. Snyder stated that having the “v” in the title instead of “vs.” was a way “to keep it from being a straight ‘versus’ movie, even in the most subtle way”.

Is Batman v Superman a prequel to Justice League?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a superhero film that features both Batman and Superman, the first major crossover in the Batman Film Franchise and a prelude to the Justice League movie. It is a sequel to Man of Steel and the start of a shared continuity of projects developed by DC Films .

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What is the first live action Batman and Superman movie?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is the first live-action film to feature Batman and Superman together, as well as the first live-action cinematic portrayal of Wonder Woman. In the film, criminal mastermind Lex Luthor manipulates Batman into a preemptive battle with Superman, with whom Luthor is obsessed.