
Is Statistics a good optional for IAS Quora?

Is Statistics a good optional for IAS Quora?

Statistics is most likely a decent subject to pick as an optional subject for UPSC IAS mains exam, if you are intrested in the subject. The syllabus of statistics for UPSC IAS Mains exam includes varied elements. The aspirants need to do intensive practicing and wide reading for preparing this paper.

Is statistics a good optional?

Statistics is a scoring optional since it is a branch of mathematics. You will face very little competition in this optional subject. If you are comfortable with the subject and prepare well, you should be able to score well since there is no subjectivity in this subject.

Is UPSC a good choice for a statistics student?

But it’s scoring and has high return, if one is proficient in it. It’s a good choice for Statistics students who have studied it in detail in graduation and not for Students of other discipline say Maths or working professional in the same domain since Statistics paper in upsc requires good theoret

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What are the top 10 optional subjects for UPSC?

Considering various data given above, latest UPSC syllabus and recent IAS results, the top 10 optional subjects for UPSC can be listed as follows: 1 Sociology 2 Agriculture 3 Medical Science 4 Literature Subject (Any) 5 Anthropology 6 Public Administration 7 Psychology 8 Law 9 Geography 10 History

Is it good if I take statistics as optional for IAS?

It is good if you take statistics as it is some how easy . Yes, It is possible to crack IAS exam when taking statistics as optional but it is possible in single situation if statistics is your favorite subject or you are best in subject and you are familiar with the subject.

Is statistics a good subject for civil service exam?

In choosing subject for civil service examination remember one thing choose the subject which is your interest if your interest in statistics then it is good because you score well in that subject so don’t care about is it good or not It’s all depends upon you, that how much you are fluent in this subject.